Tsukishima Kei- Names

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AU: Regular

It was requested that the character had the name Ayumi. But this being an x reader means that the reader fills in the name.... So this is where the plot is coming from.


"I don't care if you are marrying this man, I am not changing my last name. It's the one thing I know came from my father."

You stood strong in front of your mother as she spoke to you about getting married for a second time years after your father's death. You were happy for her, yes, but despite her insisting that you changed your last name to fit with his, you refused.

Knowing that it wasn't going anywhere, your mother sighed.

"Alright. You keep the name, just know that mine will change, but in return. You tranfer schools when school starts again after break to be in the same school as your brother."

"Step-brother." you insisted, "step-brother, we are not blood related. And that's in the middle of the year!"

Your mother sighed and nodded. "I know. Deal?"

You have her a firm nod, agreeing to the terms and conditions, "deal."


As the new school year started, you transfered to Karasuno and transported there with your 'brother'.

Azumane walked next to you as you entered the school. You held out a piece of paper with the classroom numbers that you had to get to on it and looked around the school.

"What classes do you have?" you asked him holding out your paper.

He held the sheet gently and nodded before moving ahead.

"We have the same class. Now come on, (Y/N) or we're going to be late." Azumane led the way and eventually turned into a classroom, heading toward the back and sitting down. You took the seat next to him and pulled out your notebook and pencil.

"Volleyball tryouts are starting tomorrow. Do you want to come? It to be a while, but I don't want to to walk home alone. There's bad people out there." the long haired boy asked as he pulled out his own supplies.

"Sure, it'll give me time to work on any homework. And our parents are going to tell me to spend more time with you anyway. Killing to birds with one stone I guess."

Asahi nodded and the bell rang as students say in there seat only to stand up when the teacher walked in. You followed their lead and waited as the teacher called for attendance.

"Asahi Azumane?" she called two names into the list.

"Present." he called back meekly.

"Ayumi (Y/N)?" she called you directly after.

"Present." you stood as firm as you could next to your shy brother who's voice crack made it difficult to keep a straight face.

"New student?" the teacher asked and you nodded, looking over all the student in front of you.

"Yes." You said.


The teacher continued calling names before she made it to the end and let everyone sit.


The next day. You sat on the bench at the edge of the gym, doing the rest of the math work you hadn't managed to finish in class.

"You must be Asahi-san. Azumane's sister?"

A silver haired boy walked up to you and to a seat on the metal bench.

"My name is Ayumi (Y/N). Not Asahi. But it's nice to meet you."

The boy smiled.

"Sugawara Koushi. I was in some of your classes but didn't get the chance to introduce myself."

"It's alright. I'm not good at introductions anyways."

He smiled wider and patted your back. "The rest of the team will be here in a minute. Feel free to introduce yourself if your confident in your abilities. If not, they'll handle that for you."

You nodded and the boy walked off. Followed by the creaking of the opening doors of the gym.

You could hear the different people move around and get ready. Someone sat next to you and you looked up from you work.

"Who are you?" the blond asked.

"Depends on what you want to know." you replied.

"What are you doing here?" he asked glasses slididng down his nose.

"Supporting my brother, well, and doing homework."

"Brother? What's your name?"

"Ayumi (Y/N)." you replied.

"Heh, ya right. We don't have an Ayumi on our team." he laughed to himself. "You must be crazy."

You looked up to make eye contact.

"Yes but you have an Asahi. He's my brother. And from what I can tell. Your in 1st year. So how about you respect your elders."

He laughed. "You older than me? You look younger that the bouncing orange over there."

"I'm a 3rd year. Get better at knowing that sort of information."

He huffed and walked into the pitch to warm up with his team.


Despite the rough start between the two of you. You and Tsukishima got along and hung our went you could outside of class.

You are lunch with the volleyball team as you sat beside Tsukki and across from the angel, Yamaguchi.

You took a gulp of water as Tsukishima spoke up to you.

"Yah, (Y/N), let's go on a date."

You sighed.

"You're insane."

He nodded and took a spoonful of his meal.

"So are you."


Through you agreed to the date. It'll didn't seem like anything more than a regular hangout with your friend.

Sitting down on a stone bench in the park the two of you relaxed after continuous walking.

"Hey, (Y/N). Why didn't you change your name when you joined the Asahi family?" he asked, closing his eyes as a gentle gust of wind came by, blowing his hair out of proportion before he patted it down.

"I wanted to keep my fayhers name because he died when I was little. It only seemed right."

Tsukishima nodded and sighed as another breeze blew by.

"Would you change your name to Tsukishima?"

Your eyebrows scrunched up As you thought.

"Are you talking about marriage? With you? You're insane." you said looking to the boy.

"No more than you. But would you?" be asked again.

"No, I wouldn't change my name."

The boy sighed sadly and leaned back of the cold rock.

"But I never said I would reject the propsal."


Not really short. But I think it's sweet.
I've been uptading daily and it's fun minus the fact that I'm writing at 2 am.

Oh well.

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