Hinata Shoyo- Metallic

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AU: Avengers

(though the AU wasn't specifically requested, it fits in with what was so that's what I'm making it.)

Requested by KawaiiSanae10

Although I do like Marvel and the Avengers my knowledge isn't super extensive.


"They've gone rogue!"

"Tie 'em down!"


Your body was trapped down into a metal table as you struggled to set yourself free. The men around to spoke in a different language but once they spoke in english, it was with a heavy accent.

"Let me go!" You yelled as one of the men forced your head down. Your muscles tighter under the restraints as your limbs forced themselves upward against the restraints. Your left arm was set free as it shot up and punched a man in the face.

"Stupid metal arm."

"Everything ready?!"

"All set!"

The man who fastened your head down looked down at you with a smirk. He leaned down and pushed your jaw upward, bending your neck awkwardly.

"Don't worry. This will hurt."

He exited the room to stand behind a glass wall to your left.


"No way in hell am I do-"



"Mission report." you sat staring forward that the man that paced in front of you.

"Mission succesfull. Infiltrators terminated. 15 in total."

"Good, good. Now for your next target. You must take down Iron-Man and his little posse of mutants."

"Actaually sir. A majority of them are human."

Turning his head to the assistant he snapped. "Shut up or I'll shoot you."

The man looked back at you with a scowl. He took a step forward to lean over your form as it sat in a still position.

"Any words?" he snarled.

"Hail Hydra."


"Tsukki what's the problem?"

Standing around the kitchen table the group listen as their leader told them about the recent activity. Tsukishima had a hollogram pulled up displaying images taken from security cameras.

"Terrorists. One in particular has been spotted at each site. Only problems is that their face is never visible. They also wear a mask which doesn't help. But they do have (H/L) (H/C) hair and are wearing black typically a sweater and sweatpants. The only consering thing..."  swiping his finger along the screen the image became zoomed in and inhanced.

"Hydra." Kiyoko sighed.

"Yes, it seems they have sent out an assassin to do who knows what. But it has out attention and they have to be taken down."

Hinata sat up in his seat leaning his weight over his knees. His brow furrowed and his head tilted sideways.

"No clue on who they are?"

Tsukishima shook his head, leaning on the table next to him.

"None. At least of who they are personally. But they're called the Winter Soldier."

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