Captains- Food

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AU: Regular


Sorry if this seems kind of short. I had to get some school stuff ready because I just got my timetable and had to sort out my binder and shit like that.


“Food, food, food, food, give me the food,” Bokuto called out. He reached over your shoulder and tried to grab the raw meat from the cutting board in front of you.

You pushed him away with your elbow and stopped cutting. “You really want to eat raw meat that I haven’t cooked yet?”

He pouted and turned away slightly. “No….”

“Then go back to the tables and help Kuroo set up the tables,” you said, turning back to the cutting board.

“But, (Y/N)-chan, it’s more fun helping you out!”

You clucked, but nudged him away from you to Kuroo’s direction. “You’ve been watching not helping. Go over to Kuroo or I won’t give you any food.”

Fear stuck his eyes and he immediately ran over to Kuroo asking if there was anything else to do.

Even though you went to Karasuno, you were really good friends with the volleyball captains of Fukurodani, Nekoma, Aoba Josai, and of course Karasuno. You’ve meet them during matches and practices.

One day when you were in the courtyard, you were approached by Daichi asking if you could help them arrange a secret baraque. It was at the end of the year, and it was for a last goodbye before all of the third years graduated. They wanted to thank them for all of their hard work, and what was a better way than food?

Their team were in the gyms practising. Some of the members questioned why their captains weren’t practising with them, but were easily sidetracked when they side it was a surprise. They started asking what it was, but all the captains did was smile and walk out of the gym.

You shook your head at the sight of Bokuto bugging Kuroo for something to do. He was following him like a lost puppy. Kuroo and you made brief eye contact before he glared at you.

Smiling weakly at him, you turned back to the meat and finished up cutting the last of it. You put in some seasoning and mixed it, you then took off your gloves and brought the bowl of to grill where Daichi was standing at.

He was wearing an apron and a chef’s hat that almost touched the small tree above the grill.

You did a double take as you set down the bowl on a table beside the grill. “The apron I get, but why the hat?”

Daichi rolled his eyes and opened the lip of the grill, steam rising up into the air. “That’s what I asked Oikawa. Do I look as ridiculous as I think I do?”

You shook your head and smiled. “Nah, it’s just stands out, but it’s cute.”

Daichi’s cheeks flushed and started putting the meat on the grill.

“See Daichi,” Oikawa singed. He threw an arm across his shoulder and smiled. “I told you it looked nice, even (Y/N) agrees. Also, the teams are finishing up soon, so start grilling.”

You left Oikawa and Daichi when they started bickering. At first, it was funny, but then they started really yelling and argue it got awkward. It was like a mom and dad bickering who was right.

Most of the time, the mom is always right.


After Daichi- and somewhat Oikawa- were almost done grilling, the teams slowly made their way out of the gyms and out into the courtyard. Their eyes bulged out of head when they first caught the smell of the meat that was still cooking on the grill.

They hesitated for a moment before running to the tables to get chopsticks and plates. Some meat were on the table, already cooked, was gone within minutes.

Oikawa leaned over Daichi shoulder and said, “I told you it was a good idea to start grilling earlier rather than starting when they finished.”

Daichi rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

All of the other food, vegetables, and even side dishes were polished off before Daichi finished cooking. There was a line to the grill for more food.

Daichi pulled Kuroo over to the side while Oikawa finished up serving the last of the meat.

“Get some more food,” he said, “I think we underestimated how much food they could eat.”

Kuroo frowned. “But didn’t we spend a couple hundred dollars on this portion already?”

Daichi sighed and nodded. “Yeah, but it’s our last year here, at high school, I think it’s worth it.”

Nodding, Kuroo rushed over to you and dragged you off to the store.


“They really need more food?” You asked.

“Daichi said so, also he’s scary when he’s angry,” Kuroo shivered.

He was looking at a few cuts of meat while you held everything. You could tell that this was going to cost you at least a hundred dollars, maybe even more.  



“How are we going to pay for this?”

Kuroo smiled evilly at you before taking out his wallet. He went through one of the holders and showed you a sliver credit card with Oikawa’s name on it.

You bust out laughing, almost dropping the meat. “How did you get that?”

“I have my ways,” he said, and then winked at you.

One the way back to the school, Kuroo stopped in front of you and glared.

“Are you okay?” you asked.

“Why did you send Bokuto to me threatening to withhold food? Do you know how dangerous that is?”

You smiled cheeky. “You know I love him to death, but sometimes he’s like a lost puppy looking for a family.”

Kuroo sighed. “Yeah, but I will get my revenge.”


Oikawa and Daichi started grilling once you brought the meat over to them. They didn’t season it, or let it sit, but telling from how hungry the boys were, it didn’t matter.

When the second wave of food was over, you couldn’t find any of the captains. You asked Nishinoya if he saw them, but he just ran away laughing.

You furrowed your eyebrows in question, but turned around only to see almost everyone staring at you.

You smiled nervously and started to back away. Then you felt ice water being poured on you, soaking your entire body.

You turned around and saw Daichi, Oikawa, Bokuto, and Kuroo laughing. They surrounded a big red bucket that was still dripping water from the sides.

Kuroo gave you a toothy grin. “What? Not going to swear revenge?”

You smirked. “Oh, I have a whole lifetime to plan revenge.”  


Did you notice the new cover? I hope you like it. My co-author changed her username so I made a new one.

Splash Free!

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