Hajime Iwaizumi - No More Promises

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Not longer, but angsty, just like I know how ;)

Warning : character death

B-ham - feel free to edit

Also, I find I write sad things much easier than I write fluff


Day 1:

Days went by faster then they should have.

He gave himself 30 days to live because he couldn't stand the thought of you, and himself, staying at the hospital every living second.

"You have to move on when I'm gone," Iwaizumi stuttered. "Travel the world, fall in love, but not the same way we did. Do everything different and live like you were never born."

You shook your head. Staying the the hospital everyday, you knew that this conversation would come soon. The profound move on speech, where you were supposed to just let everything go like nothing happened at all. Like all of the memories were to disappear.

"Not without you."

Iwaizumi sighed and grapsed your hand tighter. "You have so much life ahead of you and I can't be the one to take that away from you. So many loves, moments, just waiting for you. I wanted to be your first and last love, but now you'll be mine."

Day 15:

Everyday was the same. You sat beside his bed, not moving, hoping that things would change, that he would wake up.

You only have half the time.

"Please don't sign it. Please..." you begged, holding Iwaizumi's hand away from the paper. "Give me more time."

"No, I can't." He looked up at you and gave you a week smile. "I'm doing this for me. I've always wanted to live my life freely, not hooked up to a machine."

You shook your head. "You're insane."

"You're the insane on in your relationship, darling," he said kissing your forehead.

Slowly, you let go of his hand and watched him sign the 30 day DNR form.

Day 27:

You were insane. You have once heard insanity described as doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome, and by those means you were.

Day 28:

Today, you had stopped looking at Iwaizumi and started looking at all of the machines that had surround him. Machines that made him breathe, and other ones to make sure that his heart was beating.

"I've always wanted to live my life freely, not hooked up to a machine."

You held his hand tighter and looked at the floor. "The machines are keeping you alive, but I already know that you're gone."

Day 29:

"I promise you that I won't skip meals."

"I promise you that I'll try to be happy even though I'm only happy when I'm with you."

"I promise that I will travel the world with you constantly in mind."

"I promise that you will leave here happy because I'll be with you."

"I promise that you that I will never take off the necklace."

"I promise that I will love you until the day I die."

"I promise to forever be your last love."

Day 30:

This day was the shortest of them all.

The doctors came in at midnight at the end of your last day.

As much as you wanted to scream at them to stop, tell them that they're killing him, you couldn't. He has always wanted to live freely and who were you to take that away from him?

Day 31:

No more promises 


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So....uh....who's going to BTS' Would Tour? 

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