Hinata Shōyō - Oranges

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 AU: Soulmate - you can't see colour until you come in contact with your soulmate

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 648


Your room had accents of 'orange' everywhere, or that's at least what your parents told you.

Even though you couldn't see the colour itself, you enjoyed the shade of grey it made. Every colour had a different grey to it. The grey colour for red would be different from the grey colour for green.

Your parents made sure you could differentiate the colours so life would be easier for you, or at least as easy as it can get.

Your mom had been teaching you the different colours since you were born and once you were finally able to speak, your first word was 'orange' well second after you said 'You Can Wear My Sweatshirt' which confused your parents greatly. 

But when you said it, you were referring to the fruit which you were trying to reach because it was on top of the counter.

Since then, orange was your favourite colour and fruit.

When you got to high school, your knowledge of colour helped a little bit.

For example, your classmates who also hadn't found their soulmate would come to you for your expertise (and also because they were too afraid to approach any upper-class men).

So here you were, sitting in front of a girl, who wanted to impress her friends by knowing how to tell the different colours apart.

"Ok," you said holding up an orange, "this orange is orange, and the grass we are sitting on is green, ok?"

She nodded her head making her short bob, bob. (Haha)

"Good, now, if I threw it somewhere, would you be able to find it?"

"I think I can. But I may take a while."

You nodded, tossing the orange far into the field.

She got up and ran in the direction you through it, coming back a minute later with an orange in her pale hands.

"I found it! (Y/N), I found it!"

You picked the orange out of her hand and she sat back down.

"Ok I'm going to throw it again, but this time close your eyes. Ok?"

She nodded again and shut her eyes.

You threw it in a random direction only to be greeted by a loud yell.

"Hey, orange! Wanna Fight?!"

Not too far away you could see the hair and small body of an elementary student.

"Sorry, kid, wasn't looking where I was throwing! Are you hurt?!" you yelled at the kid.

The girl you were helping opened her eyes and saw what was going on.

"Um, (Y/N), I'm going to get going, I'll see you tomorrow ok?" she said with a smile.

"Of course, see you."

While she ran away, you started packing up your school back to head back to class.

"Hey, you! Orange throwing girl! FIGHT ME!"


A couple metres away a small elementary kid was fuming.

"Oh, sorry kid. I wasn't paying attention t—"

"I'm not a kid! I'm in my first year!"


"Of middle school?"

You titled your head slightly.

"Waahh, am I that short?" he muttered.

You weren't sure what you needed to do to comfort the poor kid, you only had one option.

"Hey, um, you want an orange, it matches your hair," you said finally noticing the colour of his hair.

"Oh? Um sure."

He reached his hand out to grab the orange, brushing his hand with your slightly.

Your eyes closed as you give the kid a smile, you didn't notice the bursts of colour he was experiencing.


When you opened your eyes, you noticed the bright colours around you.

"Uh, my soulmate's an elementary student?" you asked to no one in particular, as you brushed your (S/T) hand through your (H/L) (H/C) hair.


"WAAAH! Really?!"


Short, but I think it's cute.

Updated: 01/16/2021

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