Nishinoya Yu- Ringless (Part 2)

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AU: Arranged Marriage

Twas requested.

Sorry about this...I would have elaborated better, but homework is a bitch.

(I don't do my homework.... I probably should though)


“Noya-chan?” you asked.

It was a day before your wedding. It’s been a year since Nishinoya’s father announced that his son was going to get married. Incidentally, people who are wealthy have the need to tell everyone that their son or daughter is getting married. Even if they’re only 19.

Nishinoya turned to face you. His father only hear about what type of cake you two chose and immediately vetoed it. Apparently rainbow cakes aren’t appropriate for a wedding. Since the company already made the rainbow cake, they let you keep it and you and Nishinoya finished it in a week.

You were cake tasting again. After all of the different foods you had to taste throughout the year, everything started to taste the same, so you had to eat more cake. You weren’t complaining though, you were always up for free cake.  


There was a fork sticking out of his mouth and the streak of blond hair was slightly covering his eyes.

“I don’t want to get married. At least not yet.”

You two normally did this. One of the deals the both of you made was that you’d be completely honest with each other, no matter how hurtful it was.

About half a year of being constantly around Nishinoya, he asked you out on an official date. Not one that was made by his father or you father,but one out of pure will. After saying yes, and going out a couple of time, you decided that your label would be boyfriend and girlfriend.

“I know,” he said, taking the fork out of his mouth. His face that was always painted with a smile disappeared. “We’ve only been officially dating for like six months. It’s no where near the time were we should get married.”

“I wasn’t even thinking about getting married when we were arranged to be. I was only thinking about my grade, and if I could go to the university I wasn’t attend.”

“It’ll be okay,” he smiled. It fascinated you how quickly his emotions could change so easily. One minute he could be the happiest person in the world, and the next he could be the saddest. There was not middle. “The wedding ceremony is only like half an hour, at the most. The reception is where the real hell is. It’s going to be so long…. Just think of it as one long presentation.”

“A presentation that last forever?” you mumbled and shoved more cake into your mouth.


Your wedding dress was stiff. If you weren’t in it, it could stand up by itself and have perfect form. It was too royal for your taste. The mid section of your dress was compressing your chest, making it hard to breath. It was as if you were wearing a corset. Around your hips, the dress flared out  into thick layers of a lacy material.    

Your hair was down in curls and a single jeweled necklace hung from your neck. Looking in the full body mirror, you cringed. This wasn’t you. Why haven’t you ran away already. Every nerve and vein in your body told you to run.

So you did.


You carefully walked down the hallway. Luckily, there was no one in front of Nishinoya’s dressing room. You knocked on the door before hearing a faint come in from inside the room.  

He was standing in front of an identical mirror as yours.He was fixing his tie and hair.

“You look nice,” you said.

You saw his eye widened in the mirror and turned around. “You are not supposed to be here. It’s bad luck.”

“Bad luck like running away from the wedding?”

“Your what?”

You sighed, and stepped into the room further, shutting the door behind you. “I told you yesterday that I didn’t want to get married. I also made a promise to you, even if we hurt each other, I would always tell you the truth. I’m honoring that right now, but I can’t get married.”

The room was silent.

After a moment, Nishinoya nodded and grabbed his jacket that was hanging beside the mirror. “Okay, where do you want to go?”

You raised your eyebrows. “You want to come with me?”

He nodded and stepped closer to you. “Of course. We should go before they realize that we’re gone.”

You smiled. “It would be quite the shocker.”      


I don't know what to say. Woop

Oh wait I do.

Q: Why must BTS just hurt my heart at a constant rate?

A: because why not?

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