Akaashi Keiji- Pain

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AU: Hanahaki Disease

Requested by AteCaku

I know you said not to make it angsty. I'm sorry.


"I think you'd get along with her." you said nodding to a girl in the corner of the library.

"Really?" the first year asked hopefully as he looked at the girl as she flipped the pages of her book.

"Ya. You see the book she's reading? You've read it right? Use it as a conversation starter."

The boy nodded and slowly walked over, giving you a thumbs up as he left.

You sat at a nearby table a large book in front of you to cover your face as you waited for a cue to leave. When a light giggle from the girl was heard, you peeked over the book to she the two laughing, and so, you packed up your things and left.

Cupid. It was a nickname given to you by most of the schools population. Students afraid of throwing up rose petals often looked to you for guidance. Luckily most people had it easy, the person they liked often reciprocated those feeling after a while of being around them. It was just a matter of making the first move.

Guys often came to you more often. Not because they had better luck, but because they fell in love too quickly and the other often became uncomfortable or lost attraction towards them because of the sudden change. That left the boy with Hanahaki Disease and looking for your aid.

Girls on the other hand were more cautious. They took things slowly and didn't take large steps forward until they were sure of their feelings. Typically only then would they come seeking your aid to make a move.

You were happy in your situation. You made the people in your school happy and feel loved and that's all you ever needed.

Then of course there were the special cases. These few people would come to you asking if you would be willing to go out with them. It broke your heart along with theirs. But as a deal, you helped them fall in love with someone they could really connect to. The process of being around them kept them from falling ill but also transferred their affections toward someone else.

Someone they deserve.

You after all just meddled with love. You wouldn't be healthy for anyone.

It was like that for three years. Until a second year came to you with petals looting out of his mouth non-stop. You were taking time after school hours to read in the shade of some trees enjoying the warms the sun have off, until you heard a few steps approach you.

"Akaashi-san?" you asked putting down your book.

"(L/N)-san?" he croaked falling to his knees in front of you.

You shuffled forward to carry his face in your hands, holding him close to you.

"Shh, Akaashi, please. I know it hurts, know. I'll help, but please, for a moment just don't speak."

His arms wrapped around your ribcage and held you tightly. He bent his head down to your shoulder and sobbed as the red petals burned his throat.

"It hurts (L/N)-san." Akaashi cried as a few flew from his mouth.

"Akaashi, shh, breath through your nose. Calm down, everything will be okay."

Your hands moved to rest on his back and run small circles along his strained muscles. You rested your head against his as he calmed down.

"Who could hurt you so much that they almost turn black?" he sobbed again and you continued to hold him. "Oh sweetie, you're in so much pain. Rest, please."

Grabbing the large gym bag he dropped you placed it in position and rolled up your sweater on top of it. Gently cradling him to lie down on the bag you massaged his chest and shoulders to help with any pain. Every once and a while a white petal would fall from his mouth making his lips look even more rosy.

The ghostly colour of the petal made you feel sick. A sting of pain would follow every heart beat as you helped the boy sleep away his sorrows.

"White? How long have you endured this pain alone?"

You gently brushed a hand through his black hair as you plucked the petals off his clothing with the other. You pulled out another sweater from your back in case of rain and wrapped it around the sleeping boy.

The petals stopped a few minutes ago but you couldn't help but feel they would show up suddenly distubimg the poor boys sleep.

The mere thought made you feel sick to your stomach. You rested a hand above his collar bone and gently brushed the area with your thumb before placing your hand on his cheek.

"I'll never let you feel that way again Keiji, I promise you that you'll never feel the same pain."


I'm sorry!!! I know you didn't want angst so I tried to not make it that way but it just went so well and I couldn't help it I'm sorrryyyyyy!!!!!

How's it goin'?

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