Hinata Shoyo- Metallic (Part 2)

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AU: Avengers

Uhh... I lost track. (and I'm lazy)

Kinda short. I think it just fits. So, sorry.


"Tie them down."

Suddenly waking up from a nightmare you began to thrash around. Tsukishima, who had been in his lab when he heard the noise from the security cameras. He called Hinata, who was just finished with his training, to help him calm you down.

"No that's not a good idea." Hinata held your shoulders. Pushing the towards each other.

Your arm flung out in a fist and Hinata just managed to catch your metal prosthetic before it hit I'm in the neck. He forced your hand down against the bed to be sure it won't swing again.

After a couple minutes  of the two holding your body down, your muscles relaxed and they were able to let go.

"I'll stay here, make sure it doesn't happen again. You still have a list to finish." Hinata said as he climed off the bed and onto a large chair in to corner of the room.

"Ya ya. Everyone here is needy for upgrades. Keep them asleep. See you tomorrow." Tsukishima panted as he brushed his hair, heading for the door.

"Jeez, they're a real piece of work."


The next day, Hinata sat you down at the kitchens table and brought out different slices of layered bread setting them on the table for the both of you to eat.

"Are you not going to eat the cake?"

"That's cake?"  you said pointing at the glob on the plate.

Hinata sighed as he took your fork, cutting the dessert, before holding it out to you.

"Here comes their Choo Choo Train Choo choo!"

Raising an eyebrow you glared at Hinata as his smile dimmed to a cringe.

"Right..... Too soon?"

You sighed as Hinata looked away and grabbed the fork for yourself. Hesitantly shoving the food into your mouth.

"I don't like it."

Hinata laughed and took your plate, eating the cake himself.

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Did I not like cake?"

Hinata nodded finishing off the small slice and putting the plate away.

"Not really. You said it was too dry."

You nodded rubbing the metal of your arm. You turned to look at Hinata as he dropped the dishes into the sink and began to clean them.

You looked at the back of his head and sighed.

"What ever happened to Yachi?"

Hinata froze slightly before continuing to wash the glasses.

"She died of old age a few months ago."


"It's alright. She lived a good life and that's what matters."

As Hinata dried the last of the dishes before putting them away and turning to you.

Your heart hurt on the news that Yachi died. But you where never there. You didn't know her well enough to feel sad for her. No, you felt sad for the pain Hinata must have gone through and the fact that you couldn't have been there for him.

"Cheese cake?"

Hinata tilted his head, "what about it?"

"It's not dry right? Wouldn't I like it better? I wouldn't know."

Hinata nodded and sat down on the stool next to you.

"I guess, maybe."

"Then let's go get cheese cake."

You stood up and walked to the elevator, grabbing your sweater and hat as you walked.

"But, (Y/N), we just tried muiltiple-"

"No, cheesecake, let's go."

Sighing, Hinata grabbed his jacket and followed you out. He smiled when you fumbled with the sleeve of your sweater and helped you get it on over your metal arm.

"Okay. One last thing."

"What is it?"

"Can they make it with plums?"


Choo Choo

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choo choo

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