Sugawara Koushi - Guns

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AU: Hit man

Requested by @mokaallie

I hope you like it~

Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader, mentions of guns (obviously)/ gun violence 

Word Count: 837


You grabbed the gun, given to you by your employer, from the holster on your waist. You held it tightly as you walked to the dark vacant building. An office worker was next on your list. And as much as you wish you didn't have this as a job, it had to be done.

You walked up the stairway to the 10th floor, the only floor that still had a light on. Gently, you pushed the door open revealing the rows of cubicles and lockers. You walked around the corner and came up to a large room.

Its windows were covered, but you could see the light that shined through the curtains. You took a breath, trying to relax your heart and stop the sound of blood pumping through your ears.

You lifted your leg and slammed your foot against the door, successfully opening the door, the man who was on the inside of the room dropped the papers he was holding and pushed himself against the wall.

You stepped in front of him, pushing the barrel of the gun to the bottom of his jaw.

"Okay, Sugawara, tell me what you did or I will shoot these bullets into that pretty little head of yours."

You weren't sure why you were sent to Sugawara. No explanation, no reason, nothing. Just an order.

But as much as you did it often, you could never get rid of the guilt that followed after any assassination. You were almost at your breaking point. You just didn't want to get there.

The silver haired man in front of you was startled, while body against the wall. Until his muscles relaxed, his arm was swiftly raised to mirror the position of yours.

"(L/N)," he said calmly. "I would hate to shoot a bullet. But I may need to take a chance with that if you don't put your gun down."

You stared into his eyes. Shocked at what had occurred in just a few seconds. Lowering the gun, you dropped it on the ground to show surrender.

The silver haired man kept his position, gun still pointing upwards from your neck.

"Who sent you?" he asked.

"I don't know," you answered, keeping your hands held in the air.

Sugawara pushed his body closer to yours. Your noses brushed against each other as he kept an intense gaze fixed upon you.

"Why were you sent here?"

"I don't know," you struggled.

You really didn't know. The information was never given to you. You had asked what the man in front of you did so you could find a reason not to shoot.

It was all becoming too much for you to handle.

He kept staring at you. The look never wavered or fell from his face. "Why do you have a gun."

He was taken aback slightly by the sudden question you had thrown his way..

"Probably for the same reason you have yours," he sighed.

He lowered the machine in his hand and placed it on the desk next to him. He then picked up your gun from the paper covered floor and placed it next to his own.

Before you could ask what he was doing, he spoke up.

"We're being played," he growled.

You tilted your head, causing the (H/L) (H/C) hair on your head to shift slightly.


"The guns, they have the same signature on the handle. We were sent to murder each other," he roughly spoke.

Quickly, he handed you your gun and took his own, shoving it in the waist band of this pants. You were too dumbfounded to speak, move even. The silver haired man grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the office.

"We need to get out of here," he said quickly as he dragged you toward the stairs.

"What why?" you almost yelled.

None of it made sense. If you both were sent by the same employer, at meant he was setting you both up for a suicide mission.

"They're after us. We need to get out of the city, the country. We can't stay here," he rambled as you both got to the back exit of the office building.

"What's going on?" you asked pulling him back from the exit.

You two stood in front of each other. Staring into each other's eyes, trying to figure out the motives of the other person.

"Someone's after us," he whispered.

His head lowered as he broke eye contact to look at his feet. You still kept your eyes on his though, trying to figure him out.

"Someone wants us dead."


I couldn't kill by silver haired baby. But I like where this story went.

Over 50k reads😱😱
You guys are amazing.

Over this next week I will be working like crazy on the Nishinoya story for you all~

Instagram: lb.bacon

Feel free to contact me~
Love you❤

Updated: 01/17/2021

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