Asahi Azumane - Tone

9.7K 360 212

Soulmate AU: songs sung by your soulmate get constantly stuck in your head.

Requested by MissTrekkie1993

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 1.3k+


The voice in Asahi's head sounded amazing, no matter what was being sung. But if he tried to sing himself, it came out more like a dying toad. His soulmate on the other hand, wow. He was sure that their voice could bring people to tears. Songs would get stuck in his head constantly. Mostly songs he couldn't understand, there were a few he knew, but they often were in English and despite getting good grades, the fast pace of most of the songs wouldn't allow him to understand them.

Though it all seemed to change when a song he knew perfectly popped into his head. It was in Japanese for once instead of any other language. These songs started to became more frequent until that was all that was stuck in his head.

In his third and last year of high school a transfer student came in.

"Hello," they said. "I'm (L/N) (Y/N). It's great to be here."

They continued to speak about why they came to Japan and where they lived before in quick sentences like they were a native speaker.

"I moved here from (Country) a few weeks ago because of my parent's job. And as much as I can speak Japanese I'm not perfect at it, so if I make a mistake please correct me so I can learn."

(Y/N) was seated in one of the middle rows a couple seats in front of Asahi before the teacher continued the lesson. She explained important things to remember about the lesson before handing out a work sheet that was to be handed in by the end of class.

The room was quiet for the most part, the wind rustling the trees outside and the sound of pen or pencil to paper could be heard. The teacher flipped through pages of a textbook, likely looking for more material to use in another worksheet. 

The silence was so quiet that Asahi could feel himself become more and more paranoid with every second passing. But the gentle hum of one of the students brought him back to sanity. The voice was smooth and gentle, it gave him a nostalgic feeling. Asahi looked around to see if anyone else had heard the voice, but his peers didn't seem to react. The teacher was also too immersed in her work to hear the angelic voice Asahi was hearing.

After several minutes Asahi had now become too distracted to do his work and tried to pin point the singer in his class. But as soon as he thought he found the culprit, the class bell rang.

"Hand in your work before you leave," called the teacher as she typed on her computer. "They will be marked for completion."

Asahi's hand reached for the new students shoulder, but they handed in their work and walked out of the classroom before Asahi could even say their name.


"Why so glum Asahi?"

Sugawara, Daichi, and the now glum Asahi, sat together at lunch as they talked about their morning classes. Asahi poked at his food before closing it up and stashing it away.

"There's a new student here. They were singing in class earlier and I wanted to talk to them, but as soon as I tried, they were long gone," Asahi said, burying his face into his knees.

Daichi tilted his head slightly with a plain expression, "You mean (Y/N)-san? They're nice, very friendly, what's the problem?"

Asahi looked at his friend surprised and let his arms that were wrapped around his legs fall to his side. 

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