Iwazumi Hajime - Burning Mistletoe

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SongFic: Mistletoe - Tree of Riencarnation

So. The storyline of the song is very in depth and hard to understand even after watching it a few times. I will be using it as a basis for the one-shot, but some things will be missing or added.

Oh and as much as it's a SongFic it's more inspired than written with the lyrics.

Also, for the purpose of making the story Just a smidge more interesting, I've changed the role of the reader slightly.


You stood on a flattened land. The sun sent rings of bright red along the horrizon as it fought with the night sky that begun rolling in. You stabbed your sword into the ground and used it as a third leg, supporting your weight and preventing you from falling.

No more than thirty metres in front of you were two giant flags crossing each other as they marked a new barren waste land of another battle. Both banners holding the symbols of the Vermillion and Cobalt kingdoms leaned and pushed against each other as if continuing a battle that had already finished.

The beating of large wings were heard behind you as you turned to face your beautiful Queen as she landed a few steps inform of you. Her blue clothing had bits of silver and white that where seen with immaculate care to portray a woman of the highest order. Her glowing blue wings folded behind her as she held her hand out to you.

"Please, don't force yourself to live through the pain you have suffered through before. (Y/N), my dearest servent, knight to the throne. Please, come back to the castle. It's been days and there is much to discuss."

Your head tilted downwards eyes squinted as red light reflected off your armor and blinded you for a moment. Your hand pulled the sword from the ground and sheathed it, hiding it away.

The Queen held you elbow gently as she guilded you away from the battlefield. Once at the castle, the sun had set long ago, leaving a navy night behind in its wake.

"There as been an arrangement." the Queen spoke.

Your armor had been discarded long ago replaced with common robes of the queens maid, silver trimming being the only indication of higher status.

In the Queens chambers the only light the was being provided was given by a candle on the bedside. The Queen took off her crown and placed it on a flat cushion for it to rest. You began to help her dissrobe and prepare for sleep as she continued talking.

"I will marry the King of the Vermillion Kingdom to bring peace between our two lands and put an end to this never ending war between us. I wish for there to be peace for my people so I will do what I must and I'm sure the King agrees to my sentiment."

You sighed and lifted the covers for her to sink under. Once she did you took a seat in the large chair next to the bed.

"The gods force us to fight. They will never let us resolve it. There is no feud between our two kingdoms but the gods find entertainment in our sorrow. I have fought in battles soon battles for this never ending war and have seen my men die for it, for nothing. For there is never a victory nor is there loss, but we lose too much, we lose the lives of those who carry this kingdom." your sands clenched around your silk robes.

Your back slouched into the back of the chair as your tried not to scream at your ruler out of frustration.

"My Queen. I understand that you wish for the best but the gods will force war soon us whether or not you marry."

Her smile was sweet and gentle. She reached and held your hand with care before pulling it back towards her and under the covers.


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