Atsumu Miya- Howl

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AU: Alpha! Atumu x Omega!Female!Reader (Shifter AU)

Angsty but not sad, Fluffy.

sort of a Bff fic but also sort of not?


Because I'm realising that people still read this. I will update if I receive a request via Private Message because I likely will not see it otherwise. So if there is a story you have requested and has not been posted please, just DM me and I'll get right to it.


"Now's not a good time (Y/N)," he said, brushing your hand off his shoulder like it was a fly, as he continued to face his other Alpha friends and continue their conversation.

"Then when is, this is important." you berated as you reached for his elbow.

Finally turning to face you, he let out a deep growl. "Go away, now."

You stepped back, flinching away from the fangs that were starting to grow sharper and longer from his mouth. Too afraid to push the subject further, you ran, hearing the jeering from the rest of the group as if they were gunshots following behind you.


"Watch out!" you growled.

Gently nipping at the falling pups nape, you carried them over to the cushioned area of the room. They squirmed and pawed at the air in front of them, little whines and growls emitted from their throat until you sat them next to the others in the room.

"You can't be jumping off tables. You're going to break your neck if you do that."

The child only growled in response, which only became a pathetic grrr as their grey fur faded away to reveal soft skin underneath. They sat there for a moment, staring at you then at their smooth hands as they ran them through the white faux fur carpet beneath them. Not a moment after their shoulders rise and they scamper off to where the rest of the children were, immediately tackling an unsuspecting victim, who whined as they were thrown to the ground.

Sighing, you scratched behind your ear, only to have a smaller, more gentle hand replace it and scratch the space quickly. 

"You really need to go for a run if you're just your wolf all the time."

Kiyoko, another omega, stood behind you, human body wrapped in a track set meant for a smooth transition between from. Yawning, you did the same as her, letting your (H/C) fur melt away to reveal the black lounge clothes you wore. Standing up, you wobbled a bit then let your weight settle against the table the kid a jumped from before.

"I can't, Hitoka is out sick. So I'm here on my own."

Hitoka, a year younger than yourself and another omega, worked at the nursery with you. This created a back and forth dynamic that let your animal forms have a chance to burn energy as the other took over. With her being out sick, and other omegas having their own position to take care of among the community, you were left with your other half becoming restless as the outdoor stimulation was unobtainable when there where pups to be taken care of. Being at the bottom of the hierarchy as a female omega didn't help either, because, the scent, sight, or sound of the young pups immediately set off a motherly instinct and you couldn't leave them be until you knew they were in safe hands.

You groaned and let your head fall back. "I can't even go to the hunt tomorrow! I'll have to be here for the whole day and watch everyone else's kids."

Kiyoko put on a sad smile, hand coming to rest on your shoulder. "Speaking of everyone else's kids, I'm here to pick up my own." 

Opening your eyes, you looked at the clock behind you before sitting up straight. Calling the girl over from the crowd, she scampered over, looking like a small version of her mother's own wolf form. Jumping into her mother's arms, she shifted mid-air. Landing with her small arms wrapped around her mom's neck. 

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