Shirabu Kenjirou- Golden

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AU: Arranged Marriage

Kiwi has disappeared.


When the two of you were kids, the promise of marriage didn't mean all that much. It just meant that you would be like your parents, and to two five year old children, that was just like being friends. But now you and Shirabu were in your mid twenties living in a small apartment and wearing rings to show that you were in a relationship. 

But that relationship became tense over the years and Shirabu became closed off while you became more loving. You gave him all the affection you thought he deserved.

Today was ruff, you had gotten into a huge argument with your co-workers and only had your employer backing you up. You were tired, grumpy and not in the mood to do anything.

But having just gotten home from your job as a waitress, your first priority was to cook a meal for when Shirabu got home later. So you pulled off your apron, took off your shoes and walked to the fridge to pull out some leftovers from the day before.

Shirabu got home while you were taking a shower, he saw the food you had left prepped on the counter. It was cold. Sighing he set it in the microwave to heat it up before taking off his jacket and draping over the chair next to the one where your apron hung.

Shirabu heard the running water turn off, followed by your footsteps a few minutes later.

"Ah, Kenjirou. How was your day?" You smiled tiredly as you dried your day with your towel.


Tilting your head, you placed a hand on your husbands shoulder and put your towel down.

"Alright? You don't sound very happy. Did something happen?"

Shirabu shook his head, slowing moving his shoulder so your hand dropped off his shoulder. You frowned and sat in the chair next to him.

"Hey, is everything okay? I'm sure everything will be-"

"Stop," he stood from his chair, pushing the palms of his hands into the surface of the table. "Go sleep. I can't, I just can't right now."

You looked down at the half eaten plate and sighed, knowing not to say anything any further on the subject. Slowly rising from your seat, you felt Shirabu's eyes follow you as you turned for the exit of the kitchen.

"I won't bring it up again."


Your monthly trip to the mall came a week later, your parents walked along side Shirabu's as you followed behind. Your walking tensed due to the presence of your husband next to you. The last week was still rough at work and it didn't help that you felt like a stranger in your own home.

"(Y/N)!" The welcoming voice called from behind you.

Smiling over your shoulder, you turned around to be pulled into the friendly embrace of your boss.

"How has your day been. Probably better than at work I bet." Your boss held your shoulders.

As your parents continued walking through the mall Shirabu found himself waiting and listening to the conversation you had with your boss as the man held you closely to him.

"Actually," you sighed looking at your boss, "I'd actually rather be at work."

"Why? Look I know a promotion was a big deal, but everyone is treating you like crap."

"That's exactly my point."

This was news to Shirabu, who was getting more annoyed by the second with both your proximity to your boss and the amount of information he was gathering from a conversation he wasn't a part of.

"Hey, if something is happening at home you know I have an extra bed. You're always welcome at my home."

Looking at Shirabu from the corner of your eye, you let a sigh escape you.

"You know, that offer is becoming really tempting."

Nodding, your boss gave you a quick hug and left, "you can always call me (Y/N)!"

You waved your arm as he walked away, only for it to be held in a tight grip and pulled in the opposite direction, where your parents were headed.


"What was that about?"

You slowly sat down in the kitchen chair that carried your apron like a name tag. 

"So now you want to talk." You took you apron and folded it on the table.

"Of course I do, you're my wife."

You looked up at Shirabu from where you were sitting, flared your nostrils as you breathed.

"Since when?" You asked loudly. "Since when was I ever your 'wife' you've never treated me like one. You were closer to treating me like a wife when we were five! Whatever happened to that!? I'm tired of being treated like I'm worthless in my own home! I get enough of that from work! But you never talk to me, let alone let me talk to you!"

You could see his expression change from frustrated to shocked within seconds. Going from aggressive emotions directed towards you, to himself.

"Why did I ever spend my time on you? My career could have been far along if I just didn't care. If I acted like you. But I didn't. I tried my best to be an ideal partner for you, instead of being an ideal person for myself."

You stared him down before walking past him for the exit of the room.

"And I regret it every day."


You were asleep resting on your stomach, too tired to confront Shirabu after your fit of yelling. Tears that had poured out of your eyes. Shirabu had come to your room only a few minutes later. His hand rested on your back and created large circles to try and sooth you despite you already being asleep. He looked at your hand that still wore the golden ring that he had a copy of.

"I'm sorry." He said leaning foreword to place a light kiss on the nape of your neck.

"I'm so, so sorry."


It always become tempting to not have a happy ending. But it was the request so.

I hope you liked it. 


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