Kuroo Tetsuro- Meet Cute

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AU: Regular

Meet Cute: A scene where a future couple meets for the first time


Wondering around the streets of Tokyo, you were kind of lost. The streets were unfamiliar, making everyone seem so big and there was too many people. Your backpack was heavy and you’ve been walking for awhile now.  

You’ve been to Tokyo a couple of types, but not enough to know were thing were. There most you remember was which terminal you stood at to get back home.

Walking down a street, you saw a little kind, no more than three, crying. You looked around the street, and seeing that no one was around, the kid must have been lost. You slowly walked up to him and kneeled down, so that you were face to face.

“Hey,” you said.

The kid look up. Tears were streaming down his face and his eyes were red and puffy.

“Are you lost?”

The kid nodded.

“Are they around this area?”

He didn’t do anything, just keep crying. You bit the inside of your cheek, unsure whether or not you should walk around with him or stay with him. If you started to walk around with him, then his guardian might no be able to find him easily, but it could also work the other way around. One thing for certain was that you weren’t going to leave him alone.

“Do you want to walk around to find them, or do you want to stay here with me?”

The kid paused for a moment and then said, “walk.”

You smiled at him. “What’s your name?”

The boy pouted. “Bokuto Kotaro.”

“I’m (L/N), (F/N). It’s nice to meet you. Now, let’s find who’s looking for you.”


Holding his hand was much harder than you expected it to be. Bokuto seemed to enjoy it, but you had to lean down a lot to hold his hand so your back really hurt. You walked around the block and then stretched out for another block when you were fishined going around in the circle.

“Who was looking out for you?” You asked, letting go of his hand to stretch out your back.


“What’s your brother's name?”

“Kuroo. His stupid.”

You chuckled. “I’ve never met him, but I believe you.”

Bokuto hummed. “Kuroo. Not a bad person. Stupid, but not bad.”


You looked down at Bokuto, who was looking around. You grabbed his hand and started walking in the direction you heard the voice come from.

The person called his name again, but this time Bokuto let go of your hand and started running to the person in front of you. You ran after him, but got there once Bokuto had already started kicking the person in the shin.

“Hey! Stopping doing that Bokuto! It hurts.” The person turned around and pick up Bokuto and started patting him on the back. “I’m sorry that I left you, but you were gone once I came back.”

“Your the one who left him?” you asked.

Kuroo looked up from Bokuto’s back and raised an eyebrow towards you. “And you're  the one I'm assuming walked away with him.”

“Well, when you see a kid crying on the side of the street, you don’t just leave them there!” You said, glaring at him. “Why were you gone for so long anyways?”

“I was gone for two minutes!” Kuroo defended.

Bokuto pouted at the sound of your fighting. He raised his foot and kick Kuroo in the stomach. Kuroo grunted and put Bokuto on the ground. “You could have just asked.”

Bokuto walked over to you and hugged your leg. “(Y/N) heppled. Stop yelling at her. You’re stupid for leaving me.”

Kuroo sighed. He walked over to you and bent down so that he was facing Bokuto. “I’m sorry, okay?”

Bokuto shook his head and then pointed up to you. Kuroo rolled his eyes and stood up.

“I’m sorry that I got mad at you,” he said. “I shouldn't have left him there.”

You nodded. “It’s okay. just don’t leave him again. It’s scary.”

“I’m Kuroo, if you didn’t know,” he said, sticking his hand out.

You reached out your hand as well and shook it. “(Y/N)”


And so. We welcome Kiwi back!!!!

And she has her own BTS story that she's writing. (10/10 I recommend).

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