Oikawa Turo - Power Outage

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Tis back.... Here is a short one shot because my power went out for a couple of hours cause Toronto weather suckssssss. 

Baconham is amazing 
(you bet I am.)



"Yeah?" He answered through the phone.

"I have no power. I'm am electicless."

His laugh was broken up by the phone, but you could still hear it clearly. "That's not even a word. Do you want me to come over?"

You pouted. "No then you would have to leave your house and it's kind of dangerous outside."

Oikawa sighed. "What are you doing then?"

"I'm hugging a pillow and talking to you. I was going to do homework, I can't can't see anything that not right in front of me."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come over?" Oikawa suggest. His house still had power, but he was cautious of how he used it. All of his electronics were plugged in just in case his power went out too. "My house is only like 10 minutes away from your house."

"Nah it's -"

Your phone made a large beeping sound, causing you to pull your phone away from your ear. You waited until the beeping sounds stopped and held the phone back to your ear. "Hello? Oikawa?"

Sorry, but the number you are trying to call is not available, please try again later.

You exited the call and check your service bar on your phone. When you saw that there was an "x" sign next to it, you figured that the storm had knocked out a cell tower. You threw your phone aside, because it was kind of useless now.

You hopped into bed and tried to fall asleep to the sound of the wind blowing against your house. Closing your eyes for the final time, you heard a loud banging sound on your door. You stood up, blanket around you, and opened the door.

"Oikawa?" You mumbled. "Why are you here? You should've stay home."

Oikawa looked at you and took a breath of relief to see that you were okay. He walked up to you and squeeze you tightly between his arms. "Our phone call got cut off and I got worried."

You smiled and hugged him back. "You're cute. Thank you for checking up on me."

"Anytime." He let go of you and then walked towards the door again. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

You quickly walked in front of him and shut the door. "You can't just stay that and leave," you said. "Also, it's still dangerous outside. You should stay."

Oikawa smiled at you. "Okay, I'll stay," he said and then went to hug you again. 


This was a little too fluffy for me...maybe angst next time?
(really... Wow you just want to break out hearts don't you Kiwi?)

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