Hinata Shoyo - Wings

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AU: Vampire

Tags/ Warnings: GN! Reader, Basic vampire

Requested by @kumosan

Word Count: 704


The boy had flown into your world, quite literally.

You were out for a walk in the woods of a park near by, the place was known for bats coming out during the night. But you had been lucky to have had a particularly small one fly into your chest and cower in behind the front of your sweater. It had only been mid-day, unnatural for a bat to be out.

You, having almost no knowledge of bats stood frozen, too afraid to move and accidentally harm the creature laying in your sweater. After a few minutes, you lifted the collar and looked inside. To your surprise, the animal was asleep, in an odd position but asleep.

You lowered your collar and slowly began walking again.

When you reached your house, you gently held the animal and placed it on your bed. After getting a glass of water, you headed back to your room to find the bat hanging on your ceiling. Black wings curled around it's body.


"Hey, (Y/N). Are you awake?"

It was likely past midnight when his voice rang through your room.

"Shoyo, I know your a night owl. But that is no reason to come barging into my room at 2 am. Through the window no less." You turned your body to face the orange haired boy who sat on your window sill.

"(Y/N)," he whined crossing his arms. "You know I'm not an owl. I'm a bat for goodness sakes."

He stared out the window and pouted. You laughed lightly and beckoned him over to your bed.

"No, you're a vampire, you just can turn into a bat."

You held his shoulder and pulled him into your chest as you spoke.


You pushed your cheekbone into his soft orange hair and held him tighter.

"Go to sleep."

"But (Y/N)-chan I'm not even tired."

"Ahhh, but I am. Now sleep." You nuzzled into his hair and let out a yawn.


The next morning you woke up in your warm bed, sun seeping through the open window.

Unsurprisingly, Hinata had left, likely after you fell asleep. You stretched your muscles as you crawled out from under the covers.

You repeated your routine like clockwork before making it to class as the bell rang.

Hinata sat quietly in the corner where shade always covered. You took your seat in front of him where the sun always landed, making the corner look darker in comparison.

You turned to Hinata and smiled. You placed a hand on his cold desk that he grabbed, sure not to let in soak in the sun.

"You tired?"

He mumbled slightly gripping your hand a little tighter.

"You should have stayed with me a slept."

"But if I—"

"'But if I did I would get trouble and it would cause you harm' Hinata Shoyo, I've heard it before."

He looked down at your hands and nodded.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want anything bad to happen. You know how my family is. I need to wake up my sister, and my parents are hunting and—"

"Shoyo, spend one night over. I'm sure it'll be fine."


"Please, Shoyo?"

Smiling, he laughed and nodded.

"I'll try."


After a night similar to the last, you woke up on Saturday morning arms wrapped around the orange haired boy. You held him gently, your head rested in between his shoulder and jaw.

"So, how'd you do it?"

His eyes stared at you and his hands played with your fingers.

"Do what?"

"Manage to stay the night?"

Hinata turned his head to the side and mumbled slightly.

"That's not important. Go back to sleep."


"Mom! I'm going to stay the night at my girlfriend's house!" Hinata yelled.

"Girlfriend?" his mom asked.

"Finally! I thought you were going to die alone," she said.

"Mom!" Hinata yelled back, blushing.

"Speaking of alone, that's how your girlfriend must feel. What are you still doing here? Get going, Shoyo!" She pushed him out of the house and closed the entrance before he could make it back in.

"That, was surprisingly easy."


I hope you liked it~~

Instagram: lb.bacon

Edited: 15/03/2021

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