Hinata Shoyo- Valuable

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AU: Dystopian Future

Kiwi is back! Apparently she just had a lot of homework and projects.


For the past two years of your life, all you remember doing is running.

Running away from the government, who meant to corrupt the minds of everyone who lived there, but the good thing about running was that it lead you out of the hands of the government. Constantly on the move because you were being hunted by the corrupted minds.

The one good thing that you got out of it was that you met Hinata. At the start of your journey, you met him first and he has been by your side ever since then. He was your partner in crime. You protected each other like your lives depended on it, because it was.

One wrong move, one untrustworthy person, and you were dead.

You’ve been together for the last two years until they found you.

You and Hinata were on a train with many other people who decided to live life for themselves and everything was good of a little bit. You exposed the government for what they stood for, but it was up to the people to decide if it was true.

The train was connected by a hinge in between the two carts. Hinata was in the first train and you were in the second one, making sure that  everyone was okay and ready for what was on the other side of the wall.

Right at the border, that separated the city and the unknown, the train started to rumble and the two carts were unhinged by an small explosion. It wasn’t big enough to cause serious damage, the train was still able to run, but it was big enough for people to notice.

You watched as the second cart derailed and crashed into the ground.  As your cart still surged forward, you saw cars pull up to the sides of the second cart and police and government officials moved towards the cart.

You’ve seen a lot of horrible things over the past two years, people dying, betrayers, and war, but nothing gave you more nightmares than when you saw a very blurry orange figure crumble to the ground motionless, under the figure of a soldier.      


A couple of days have past when you made it to the safe community in the forest. They welcomed everyone you brought to the site with open arms and they were as safe as they could possibly be.

“Why don’t you rest for a bit dear?” a woman said from behind you. She offered you a cup of water and told you to sit down.

“I don’t know if I can,” you told her, taking a sip from your cup. “There were two trains. Two trains for people who were supposed to come here and be safe, but there was an accident that prevented that for happening.”

“And someone you care about was on the other train?”

You nodded your head. “I’m going to go back for him, it’s only been a couple of days.”

The women gave you a sad smile. “A lot can happen in a couple of days.”

“I know. That’s why I need to leave as soon as possible. He could be dead right now, but on the off chance that he isn’t, there’s nothing that’s going to keep me from finding him even if I spend the rest of my life doing so.”


“It’s okay everyone, calm down. Nothing bads going to happen,” Hinata said, trying to calm everyone down.

His head still hurt from when the officer hit him on the back of it. After that, he only remembered waking up in a small building. It was one floor, had no windows and a door. Everyone who was on the train was in the building as well.

His first response was to ask you for help, because you were the one who made all of the decisions and he would make sure that it was sought out and completed with minimal damage. Now, he had to fed from himself. Hinata checked to make sure that everyone was okay and no one had any life threatening injuries. There were only scratches and bruises to his relief.

The door was easy enough to break down, but he didn’t know what was on the other side. There could be locks from the outside in, or guards with guns. He didn’t want to risk anyone else's life besides his own, so he wasn’t willing to take the chance.     

Hinata always stood in front of the door, just incase the officers decided they wanted to kill people. He tried to urge everyone to rest or sleep, but he was sure that they were too terrified to sleep, at least he was.


He jumped at the sound of thumping outside of the doors and so did everyone else. The ones who were sitting down immediately stood up and moved to the back of the room. The officers a taken all of his weapons away, so he would have to fight with only his hands.

The doors opened and a figure stepped inside. It was dark and Hinata couldn’t see who it really was. He grabbed the person from the hands and flipped them over his shoulder, the first move that you taught him. It always catches them off guard.

He expected a retaliation, but all he got was a groan in response.

“I never should’ve taught you that,” you said, pain shooting through your body.


“No. From now on I’m your worst nightmare.”

He helped you up and it took him two seconds to realize that it was actually you and you were alive. Hinata sighed in relief and hugged you.

“Thank goodness that you’re alive,” he whispered.

You chuckled. “I could say the same thing to you. I saw you getting knocked down. I thought that they would’ve killed you by now.”

“Me too.”

“How did you know we were here?” Hinata asked, releasing you from the hug. It just dawned on him that there were many people there staring at the two of you.

“There are two people guarding a door. Either something really important is in there or people.”

Hinata nodded and looked towards the people and then back at you. “Let’s get these people out of here. You take the front and I got the back.”



“It’s going to take so much more than a war to keep me from finding you.”



I've been reading this one-shot book for like two weeks... I still haven't gotten through all the chapters.... But it's worth it.

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