Kageyama Tobio - HIT 'EM IN THE EYE

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AU: Demigod (Percy Jackson Universe)

Tags/Warning: Fem! Reader, mild-swearing, innuendos

Word Count: 1.7k+


School. The word alone made you cringe.

You were in the one of the worst students out there. Being incapable of concentrating and unable to understand what was written on the board, you were dubbed one of the 'lucky' people to have both ADHD and dyslexia. These problems provoked you to skip classes most of the time, making your grades drop a fair bit.

That's why you were at a local park instead. You came here most of the time. It was very large, hundreds of acres were taken up only by woods and only a small section of the park was for pedestrians, and a majority of that was filled with sakura trees.

You spent your time in the forest. People didn't trek through it most of the time, making the woods a perfect hideout.

Your legs were hanging off the edge of a large branch a couple metres above the ground. It was very peaceful outside. A cool breeze blew through the trees and trough your (H/L) (H/C) hair (that was pulled into a ponytail if your hair is long). It was calm and relaxing.

That was until a girly screech was heard through the woods, startling some of the wild life.

"KageBAKA! Save Me!"

"I Can't You Idiot! I'm Tryin—GWAA!!"

The yells went through your ears before you felt a large impact hit you in... well, everywhere.

You soon found yourself splayed on the ground, a couple metres bellow from the branch you were previously sitting on.

"GAH! Sorry!"

Weight was lifted off of you and you looked up to see a tall boy. Black hair stuck to his forehead as he stared at you with dark blue eyes. He had a frightening aura which was because of the glowing sword in his right hand.

You stood up and dusted the dirt and leaves off of your baggy black sweater and blue jeans. You were about to question the boy but you were interrupted by more screaming.

"Kageyama! Get back here I need HEL—" the girlish voice yelled again before, what was most likely a person, hit the tree truck a few metres away from the two of you.

A small redhead was sliding down the tree groaning.

The two wore similar clothing, orange shirt. "You idiot! They're going to get away!" The taller one grabbed your wrist and the left foot of the redhead and pulled you both in the direction they came from.

"Hinata, did you even aim for their eyes?"

"... you're supposed to aim for the eye? I never you that, Kageyama, you're so smart!" The one now known as Hinata yelled.

Hinata escaped Kageyama's grasp and jumped to his feet running ahead swigging a dagger that seemed to appear from mid air.

"YOU DUMBASS! WAIT FOR M—US!" Kageyama, let go of your wrist and pulled out a dagger from one of the sheaths attached to his belt and handed it to you.

"Do you know how to fight?" he said plainly.

"You expect me to know how to use a dagger? Bitch, I can barely use a pencil!"

"Well then try the dagger! Jeez demigods and their attitudes."

"I heard that." You grabbed the dagger from his hand and followed Hinata, who was still jumping around the trees.

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