Yamaguchi Tadashi- Strings

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AU: Regular


If anyone is good at Quadratics. Please help. I'm desperate.


Yamaguchi sat beside you as you picked the strings of your violin. Creating a sound that made him think of a sad bird as it hopped around in the rain. He listened to you play for it was the only chance he would get before you went on your again.

"I want to hear you play more." he said as your plucking became quicker and more agitated.

"I want to see you play more Tadashi. But we never get the chance." you sighed as you continued to play.

Tadashi smiled and placed his forehead on your free shoulder, sitting behind you with hi arms wrapping around your waist.

"At least we have this." he commented.

You smiled as the song became lighter and flowed into a major key and then came to a finish

"Ya," you said leaning your head against his and bringing your violin to your lap.

"I love you, Tadashi."


Yamaguchi walked next to Tsukishima and showed him a photo he had found the night after you had left for the beginning of your trip.

"Look, it's the three of us at the end of the school year. (Y/N) had just gotten a chance to go to that private school. Remember?" he asked holding the photo up for his friend to see.

Tsukishima looked at the photo and smiled lightly.

"Ah ya. I remember. You asked her out that day too." he said with a laugh taking the photo and putting it into his pocket.

Yamaguchi felt his cheeks warm up and ducked his head low at the two of them walked through the gym doors.

"It was so cool. That prodigy was the lead player and carried through the whole symphony. And she's like, what, 16?" Nishinoya talked to the team about something he likely knew nothing about but they all listened anyway.

"Prodigy? You mean (L/N) (Y/N)?" Sugawara asked his finger raised in the air.

"I don't know." Nishinoya said before jumping up with a loud gasp.

"Oh! I took a video." He said pulling his phone out from his pocket.

"Wait!" he said holding up his free hand as he went through his phone. "Oh here it is!"

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi joined the circle of 11 to watch the video on Nishinoya's large phone. Or large in comparison to his hands.

There was no light on the screen, but through the silence a small short plucking broke through. It created an earie feeling before picking up pace.

With a loud bang, light shot into the screen. There was a large stage with a large number of people in it playing various instruments to create an orchestra.

From the great seats that Nishinoya had been seated from, you could see the players faces with great detail as they worked to give an amazing performance.

The violin from the beginning took its solo for a second time, the rest of the orchestra joining in when there was an accented note to emphasise.

The violinist stood a couple feet away from the conductor, eyes closed as she played every note in perfect time.

"(Y/N)." Yamaguchi said allowed without realising it.

Tsukishima hit him upside the head.

"That's (L/N)-san?" Nishinoya asked the tall boy.

Yamaguchi hesitantly nodded as Tsukki shook his head downwards from behind him.

"I didn't know you listened to classical music Yamaguchi?" Sugawara asked. Head tilted.

Yamaguchi laughed, scratching the back of his head.

"I, ugh, don't. Well I do. But only when she plays. Oh wait, but ugh.... I um.. Well."

"They're dating." Tsukishima called from behind Yamaguchi, who shook from nerves.

The orchestras music continued to play through the silence. Yamaguchi ducked his head down and played with his hands.

"Your dating a world famous musical prodigy from Japan? How?" Kageyama spoke up from behind the crowd.

"I -ugh-"

"We've been friends since we where young. Yamaguchi knew her longer." Tukishima reached for his pocket and pulled out the photo from it.

"This was our last year in the same school." he said handing the photo off to Sugawara, who had it for a few seconds before his was taken from his and handed around the gym.

"How long have you been dating?" Sugawara asked.

Yamaguchi thought about for a second before coming up with an appropriate answer.

"4 years. But technically 1 because we where young and it wasn't much of dating and more. 'they're my bestest friend.'" he said holding his hands to his chest.

The boys in the gym passed around the photo and all chatered about the new surprise girlfriend, who was likely performing right now.

The busy conversation didn't seem close to dieing down and Yamaguchi had now become nervous.

"Hey Guys?" he spoke up trying to get everyone's attention.

"Can I have that photo back?"

The light happy plucking of a violin continued to play as Yamaguchi held the photo in his hands gently among a crowd of loud conversations around him.


I going to die.

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