Kuroo Tetsurō - Cat Eyes

33.9K 1.1K 161

AU: Soulmate - when you're born you are given a piece of jewellery that matches your soulmates (colour, shape, and from)

Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader

Word Count: 378


The cats that roamed around the resort were there for quote, unquote 'pest control'. But for you, they were a source of entertainment.

The resort had four fully grown felines and nine kittens. They were only seen at night when most people were sleeping, so they could go hunt for various mice and rats.

So at night, when there were no lights on and no people in sight, you snuck out of your room relying on your necklace for a light source.

Your necklace, given to you at birth, had a simple chain that connected to two yellow gems that glowed, resembling cat eyes at night. The kittens would enjoy playing with it when it hung in front of them, biting, pawing, etc.

Sitting on the rock path next to a group of bushes, you gently called for the cats with a soft clicking noise.

While your mouth was pursed, a slightly a large grey and white cat came out from the shrubs followed by four similarly coloured kittens.

You took your hands and gently stroked the cats. They purred and closed their glowing eyes.


"You know, you really shouldn't be out at this hour, especially without a light. My name's Kuroo Tetsurō."

You turned your head to the voice to see a man with messy black hair standing on the steps leading to the hotel rooms.

"That's alright. My necklace is my light source. Oh, and my name is (L/N) (Y/N)."

One of the kittens started pawing at your necklace that hung from your neck.

"Even the cats like it, see?"

The man sat next to you and stared at the cats.

"But what if someone were to take it?"

He wrapped his hand around the gem, stopping it from glowing.


"Oh, but don't worry," he reached his hand into the collar of his T-shirt and pulled out a chain. "I have one too."

Once he held out the glowing gem it had caught the kitten's interest. Before you knew it Kuroo was on the ground being attacked by many small cats.

"Gah— HELP!"

"Nah, this is too entertaining."


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