Kuroo Tetsuro- Future (Part 3)

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AU: Regular

Requested my multiple people.


Kuroo was a total troll.

It’s been a couple of months since you moved in with Kuroo and Bokuto. Kuroo was right when he sad that Bokuto was never there. He was always out visiting the school that Akaashi was at, and then there was volleyball practice. When there was practise, Kuroo was gone as well.

There were only two rooms, but you expected to stay with Kuroo anyway, so it didn’t matter. When they were at practice, and you were not doing anything, the apartment was very quiet.

You respected their privacy, but at the same time you were curious.

Once when they were at practise, you went into Kuroo and your shared room and started going thru the door. You knew that he didn’t hide anything, so you won’t worried about finding anything out of the ordinary.

You found clothes in drawers, jackets and hoodies on hooks, and pencils on the floor, which you didn’t bother picking up. One of you would probably do it eventually.

You slide Kuroo’s nightstand drawer open. Marbles from the back of the drawer rolled to the front and more pencils came with it. There were a lot of pencils in his room. Behind a couple of papers, you saw a black valet box.

Your heart stopped.

Your hand slowly reached for it, you hand moving by itself to see what was in it. You heard the door slam and someone calling out your name.  You slammed the nightstand drawer shut as your bedroom door opened.

You quickly turned around and held your hands behind your back. “Hi!” you said in a hitch pitched voice.

Kuroo raised an eyebrow at you and chuckled. “Hey?”

He threw his gym bag to the side of the door and walked over to the bed, then laid down. His hair was wet with drops of sweat.  

“Don’t lie on the bed if your sweaty.” You scrunched up your nose and shewed him of the bed. “I’ll have to wash it again.”

“Okay, okay, jeez. Clam down.”

“I’m clam, I just don’t like sweat on the bed.”


Kuroo turned around in the bed. You were sleeping on the right side and your back was turned towards him.

You were acting weird. When you were around him, you became really jumpy and your voice would go higher. It freaked him out. When your voice went the octive higher, your eyes widened slightly, giving you this creepy look on your face.

He turned over so that he was facing your back. His hand hovered over your shoulder. His hand kept retracting every time he saw you move slightly, hoping that his hand would touch you. He was having a mental debate in his mind.

It was a should I stay, or should I go moment.

It was getting late, and his hand was hovering for at least ten minutes. As you slept, he laid there wide awake.

You turned over and opened your eyes slowly. You jumped back when your eyes met Kuroo’s and his hand hovering over your body.

“Are you okay?” you grumbled. Your eyes already closing.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“I don’t know. I’m not the one who’s looking at me like a creepy.”

“Why are you acting weird?” He asked.

You eyes opened again, and you sat up a bit, letting your weight fall onto your arm. “What do you mean I’m acting weird? I’m acting the same way I did when I first met you.”

Kuroo’s shoulders tightens up to his chin and then laid flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling. “You’re all jumpy around me and your voice goes high when you talk to me. I like your voice, but that high pitch squeal freaks me out.”

You laughed. “I don’t know what your talking about.” You lowered your voice as you said it, getting a laugh out of him.

“Seriously,” he said. “Is there something wrong?”

You sighed and tugged on his shirt. “When you and Bokuto were at volleyball practice, I looked around our room.”  

“That’s it?” He asked. “There’s nothing in here. You already know that I have underwear with bears on it.”

“I looked in your night stand.”

His eyes widened and turned to face you. “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh.”

“Did you, ah, see what it was?”

You shook your head. “You came home before I could.”

“That’s what was bothering you?”

“A little.”

Kuroo got out of bed and turned on the light. You cringed at the sudden brightness, but when your eye adjusted it didn’t hurt. Once he got back into the bed he opened his nightstand and took out the black velvet box.

“Open it.”

He held it out to you, a smile plastered on his face.

You took the box from him. The black velvet material was familiar against your hands. You slowly lifted the lid and your eyes soften.

In the box, was a sterling silver necklace with a heart as the charm. It picked up the necklace and placed the box on the bed. You felt engraving on the back, and turned it over. Your initials were carved on the back.

“Oh my god.”    

“It was supposed to be for our anniversary.”

You wrenched. “Oh yeah, Our anniversary is next week….”

“You forgot?”

“No….I was just saying it out loud.”

He laughed. “Sure. Are you going to stop speaking in high pitch voice?”

“Well,” you said quickly fasten the necklace around your neck and laying down, “now that I know you hate that, I’m going to do it all the time.”

Kuroo rolled his eyes, and got up to turn off the light. He crawled back into bed and wrapped his arms around you. He kiss your head. “Go to sleep.”

Kuroo closed his eyes.

But you didn’t.

You really thought it was going to be a ring this time.


Status: Paint is all over me. But I'm not looking for a realationship.

Feel free give up on life. I did a long time ago. WHOOP!

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