Bokuto Kotaro- Punny

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Soulmate AU: your clothes and the clothes of your soulmate always match.

Requested it was.

I've given up on tagging people.... Mostly cause I'm lazy. But you'd see it eventually...... Right?


It was hard finding a soulmate in high school. Everyone was wearing the same thing, uniforms.

You always thought the idea of finding your soulmate by wearing the same clothes as you was odd. Apparently, it was subconscious. Soulmates could tell just tell what the they were wearing and subconsciously wear the same thing.

You've never liked to wear 'fashionable' clothes because most of the time they were uncomfortable or awkward to wear. You liked wearing clothes that were comfortable.

You were going out with your friend this weekend. You just had a fight with your parents, and wanted to get out of the house to cheer up your mood. (F/N) had told you to come over to their house at 11:00 so that you could get lunch and go to the park after words.

You left a note for your mom telling her where you were going. Even though you were still mad at her, you didn't want her to worry wondering where you went.

Once you arrived at your friend's house, they immediately looked at what you were wearing, shook their head, and pulled you into their house.

They dragged you up to their room and sat you on your bed. Going to their closet, (F/N) ruffled through piles of clothes.

"Shouldn't you organize that?" you asked.

They shook their head. "No time. Takes too much energy."

You sat there for a good five minutes before (F/N) pulled out a blue shirt that read "Puns are Punny".




"Just humor me, please! It'll make you feel better," they reasoned, throwing the shirt in your direction.

You picked it up. It was soft and one size too big. You mean that it'll make you feel better."

"You'll never know if you don't wear it."


"Take that off, Bokuto-kun. We are going to a public place and that's a stupid shirt"

"I will not," Bokuto pouted, "it's the weekend, I can wear whatever I choose. I like this shirt. It's...."

Akaashi sighed and shook his head.



"I feel stupid," you said, folding your arms around your chest trying to hide as much as the shirt as possible. "Where did you even get this shirt? I've never seen anything like this."

"It was free. Do you want a drink?"

You nodded.

"Great! I'll be right back!"

Normally, you didn't look for your soulmate. Everyone wears something different. They have their own style and sense of what looked nice though their own eye. There were so many people living in Japan, and your soulmate could probably be on the other side of the world.

Hope did spark though you every now and then. If you saw someone wearing something similar to you would hope for the best, but it never turned out right. They would alway wear something a little different that wouldn't make them your soulmate.

You were looking around today.


You turned around and your friend was running towards you, holding to drinks. Once she got close to you, they tripped forwards, slipping one of the drinks on you. It soaked your shirt leaving a huge stain on it.

(F/N)'s mouths went into an O shape and their eyebrows were raised. "I'm so sorry."

You sighed. "It's fine. The stain covers the the shirt. I'm just going to wash it off."

"I'll get you another drink," they suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good."


"Stupid Akaashi, why couldn't you just tell me you didn't like the shirt. You didn't have to spill coffee on it," Bokuto mumbled as he walked in the direction of the public bathroom.

He was looking down at his, now ruined, shirt. It was such a shame, he really liked the shirt.

He felt someone bump into him, knocking over his balance. He looked up saw someone wearing the same shirt as him, or what looked like the same shirt as him. It was stained with a type of drink, that made it hard to see the words.

You looked at him with wide eyes. It was the same, not one thing was different about the shirt, except from the stain.

Bokuto smiled. "You like puns?"


I like dad jokes. Humor me.

Feel free to contact me and stuff because sometimes I feel like I should be an online therapist.
(and then later realise that it's a bad idea)

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