Nishinoya Yu - Hit

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Soulmate au: You feel pain when your soulmate does, and if the injury is minor then it shows up on your skin.

Example: Papercut- you'll feel it and a scar would appear in the same place where your soulmate injured themselves. But if you get something a broken leg, then you'll feel the pain but your leg wouldn't be broken.

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader, Requested by @graceface1245

I'm sooooo sorry I didn't see this request!!!!!!!!!

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

Was your soulmate even alive?

Everyone had a soulmate. From the littlest paper cut to a broken leg, soulmates felt everything and anything. But you've never felt anything. Being a volleyball player, you felt bad for your soulmate because you had new bruises every other day.

A libero is the strongest defense that a team has, and with that came new bruises from getting the ball no matter what.

After volleyball practice had ended, you stayed a little longer to perfect a new move that you wanted to be ready for your next match, causing you to miss your bus. Since both of your parents were still at work, even though it was close to nine o'clock, it left you with two options.

1: Wait for another bus that wouldn't be here for another hour, or 2: walk half an hour back to your house.

You decide to walk back.

Once you began walking, a car drove up to the curb of the sidewalk and roll down it's window.


You looked through the opened window and saw Ukai, the coach of the Karasuno Boys Volleyball team.

"Hey, Coach Ukai," you said.

He furrowed his eyebrows and stopped his car in front of you. With a cigarette in his mouth, he asked, "Do you need a ride? It' really late and you shouldn't be walking home alone in the dark."

"No, it's okay, it's not that far from here."

"Sure." He rolled his eyes and leaned over the passenger seat and opened the door for you, ignoring the honks from other cars from the sudden stop in traffic.

You got into the car and closed the door and buckled your seat belt. Your school bag and sports bag were both on your lap, weighing down on you.

"Why are you here so late anyways?" He put out the cigarette once you got into the car. He took it very seriously when it came to smoking around volleyball players. He didn't want to take a chance risking the health of their lungs. Though you could smell the second hand smoke in the car, the gesture was nice, so you didn't say anything.


"Ah. Some of the boys just finished up too, but they have each other, so I'm not worried."

You nodded. It was silent in the car after that except when you gave him directions to your house. Once he stopped in front of your house, your opened the door and thanked him.


You turned around. "Yeah?"

"Do you think you could train with our libero?" he asked. "He's been practising with our Ace, but I think it would good for him to work with another libero."

You've never practised with another libero before. The girl's volleyball team at Karasuno weren't the best the practise with. Though you did love every member one the team, most of them skipped because they didn't see the point in it anymore. So, there wasn't many people there to practise with.

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