Hinata Shoyo- Water

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AU: Regular

Tags/Warnings: FEM! Reader, Requested by @aaliyahcedeno0

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"Hinata!!!! Come on!! We are going to be late!!" you yelled.

You were running a bit ahead of him on your way to school. Normally, Hinata would walk to school with Kageyama, but he was already there.

"Ah, (Y/N)-chan, slow down. You might get hurt," he said.

You turned around and started walking backwards, facing Hinata. "I'm fine, don't worry. I'm not that clum—"

You tripped on a stray volleyball in front of the gym. Hinata started running towards you and caught you before you fell.

"Not clumsy? Yeah right."

Once you stood upright, you squeezed his head reassuringly and smiled. "Yeah, but you love me."

He nodded and squeezed your hand back. "Come on, we're late."

You walked hand in hand with Hinata into the gym. Everyone was already there and separated into two teams.

The side with Tsukishima, Daichi, and Tanaka were wearing red pinnies. And the side with Sugawara, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi were wearing blue pinnies.

Each team had a huge bucket of water balloon in front of them, the same colour as their pinnies

"There you guys are. We've been waiting," Sugawara said.

He walked over you and put an arm across your shoulders. "We're having a water balloon fight. I call (Y/N)-chan to be on my team."

"Fine," Daichi said, "then we get Hinata."

Hinata pouted and crossed his arms. "I want to be on the same team as (Y/N)!"

"Stop acting like a kid," Kageyama said. He walked over to him, grabbed his head and pushed him to the other side.

Hinata put on the red pinnie that Daichi handed him, and turned to face you. "But what if you get hurt?"

You removed Sugawara's arms from your shoulders and walked over to Hinata. You placed both your hands on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I'll be okay, Hinata. We're having a water balloon fight, were not going to war."

"Don't worry, Hinata-kun," Sugawara called, "I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt."

Hinata nodded but still looked uneasy. "Okay, just be careful."

He looked at you one more time and went to join the other team.

"Each team gets ten minutes to set up," Daichi said, he pick up the bucket and headed to the door, "then we battle. The team that loses has to clean up the gym after practice for a month."

"Hey! I'm not even on the team!" you whined.

"You're here all the time," Daichi reasoned, "and you help clean up anyways."


The two teams separated. There were no boundaries and the entire school was free range. Each team had a certain amount of water balloons, and once you were out, you were out, but you could steal water balloons from the other team.

Once you got hit with a water balloon, you were out.

Five minutes till the start of the game, Sugawara turned towards you. "Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you for a second?"

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