Akaashi Keiji - Star

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Soulmate AU: The first words your soulmate says to you is imprinted on your skin

Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader, mild swearing

Word Count: 1k+

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

I'm sorry, he's an idiot.

Those words that were inked in your skin for the rest of your life until you found your soulmate. You always thought that it was weird.

The first words your soulmate would say to you, were for someone else; someone else was going to do something and your soulmate was going to apologize for them. There was one problem though, one problem that everyone had.

Finding your soulmate was rare. It's not like you would never ever find your soulmate, everyone eventually did, but not at the age of their youth, the most common ages were between 25-30. Most people just dated whomever they liked until they found their soulmate, so they didn't go the first few decades alone or sad.

Most of your friends had nice stuff written on their arms, like 'you're beautiful' or 'you have amazing eyes'. Subconsciously, you always made sure that your sleeves were down, so no one would see the nicely inked words.

You were walking in your Fukurodani Academy uniform. It was somewhat wrinkled because you haven't wash it in a couple of days. Clutching the strap of your backpack tightly, you walked to the first class you had.

It was nearly summer, but you always had your long-sleeved button down pulled to your wrist. Most of the girls in your class had rolled up their sleeves because the school was hot. Also, they constantly asked you why you had your sleeves pulled down.

"I'm actually kind of cold." You would say, even though you were boiling with the heat.

"(Y/N)-CHAN!!" someone screamed from behind you. You flinched and put down the book you were reading, waiting for the teacher to come was pretty boring.

"Yes, Bokuto? Do you need anything?" you asked him.

Bokuto had met you when you first joined the school. He had taken an instant liking to you because he said that you remind him of his best friend.

Bokuto slung an arm across your shoulders and pulled you into a tight side hug. "Did you do your homework?"

You slowly inched away from him. "Maybe...why?"

"Can I copy it?" he asked you. He gave you puppy dog eyes and parted his lips. "Please?"

You quickly covered your eyes with your hand. "No! If I can't see you, then I don't have too!!"

A hand gripped your wrist and slowly pulled it from your eyes. "Please?"

"Fine!" you said as your teeth grinded. You walked towards your backpack, pulled it out, and threw it at Bokuto's face.

"Thank you (Y/N)-chan!"


•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•


Once again, you cringed and slowed your walk to a stop. "What?"

"Hide me!!!" Bokuto ran behind you and used you as a human shield, clinging to your back.

"What the hell? Get off of me! What are you hiding from?" You tried to kick him off, but his grip was tight.

"It's not a what. It's a who..." Bokuto whispered.

"Okay, then who is it?" you asked irritated.

"Bokuto-san?" a boy asked. He was a little shorter than Bokuto. He had blue eyes and short messy black hair. "It's time for practise."

You glared at Bokuto, who was still clinging to you. "You tackled me because you don't want to practise?" Your voice was steady, but your piercing (E/C) were glaring.

Bokuto slowly released you and stood straight. He took a few steps back and cautiously walked over to where the boy was.

"You know what, Akaashi, maybe practise isn't so bad," Bokuto said, to the boy and turned around and ran to the gym.

The boy-Akaashi-sighed and rubbed his eyes. He turned and faced you, "I'm sorry, he's an idiot."

You shrugged. "I know, but he's my friend, even if he is an idiot."

He nodded and bowed at you. Just before he turned away, he glanced at you, as if what you said was familiar. He shook his head and walked in the direction that Bokuto went.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

Halfway to your home, you froze. I'm sorry, he's an idiot. You quickly rolled up your sleeve up and stared at the the words written on your arm.

"Shit," you swore, "shit!"

Your legs moved before your mind, and you found yourself standing in front of the gym. Your hand pressed against the metal handle of the door.

"(Y/N)-chan!! You're here!!!!!" Bokuto said. He ran up to you and wrapped his sweating arms around you.

"Bokuto! Get off of me! You're all sweaty," you said, prying his arms from around you. You could clearly see the inked words on his wrist, which means that he hasn't found his soulmate yet.

"But aren't you here to see me?" He pouted.

"I'm actually here for your friend," you said, and cringed. "That sounded so wrong, I'm sorry. Bokuto, I think he's my soulmate." You showed him your arm.

"AKAASHI!!!! I FOUND YOUR SOULMATE!!!!" Bokuto yelled, he dragged you to Akaashi and practically threw you at him.

"Umm...thanks?" you said. Your cheeks were flushed and you were staring awkwardly at Akaashi.

Akaashi grabbed your wrist gently and touched it to his. You felt a burning sensation where your tattoo once was and then it was gone. You looked at your wrist and there were no words, only one half of a star.

You looked at it quizzically. "Is that supposed to happened?"

Akaashi shrugged, but smiled. "I don't know. I've never had a soulmate before."

You smiled back. "I'm (L/N), (Y/N) by the way."

"Akaashi Keiji. I get to spend the rest of my life with someone with a beautiful name."

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

Bokuto was taking a break from volleyball, and was sitting beside some of his fellow teammates. He was watching you and Akaashi talking and laughing in the far corner of the gym.

"I'm going to die alone!" He wailed to his teammates.

•──────⋅☾ ☽⋅──────•

Feel free to contact me~
Instagram: lb.bacon

Thanks for reading!!

Updated: 01/17/2021

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