Kuroo Tetsuro- Future (Part 2)

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AU: Regular

I did not edit unless Baconham did… (i did) I have a actual reason though, cause I’m working on a different story ;) #shamelessselfpromoting

(Which one though….)

Requested by IDK I didn't count.


New York was dirty, but after a year of living at the dorm, you gotten used to it. The public transportation was the worst; it was crowded and smelly.   

Kuroo and you were together for a while. After your third year at NYU, Kuroo called you.


“Kuroo? Hey, I miss you.”

Kuroo didn’t answer for a bit. “Are you doing something right now?”

You nodded, but then realized that he couldn’t see you. “Yeah, I’m writing a paper. Why? Do you need something? Want me to send over more cupcakes?”

“No, it’s just that, I haven’t seen you for a while,” he sighed.

Your fingers stopped typing at at that. “I can skype you right now.”

“That’s not what I mean….”

“Then what do you mean? Kuroo? I have a feeling that I’m not going to like where this conversation is going.”   

Kuroo didn’t answer again, silence was on both ends of the phone. “You know that I love you right?”  

“I know, and you know that I love you too, right?”

Kuroo sighed. “(Y/N), I haven’t seen you for almost a year.”

“Yeah, we both have school. You’ve been busy with volleyball, and I’ve been doing nothing but studying. Except when I get food.”


“Stop saying my name like that, like you’re going to break up with me. If you are, then I’m going to hung up right now and pretend that this conversation never happened.”

Kuroo laughed. “No, I’m not breaking up with you, but I think that we shouldn’t feel obligated to call each other everyday.”  

You furrowed your eyebrows. “So you don’t want to talk to me, but you still want to be in a relationship? You do realize that talking is vital in a relationship.”

“Why does this have to be so hard?” You heard Kuroo say away from the phone. “We should take a break.”

“Like Ross and Rachel? You do know how that went right?” You laughed nervously.

Kuroo grinned on the other side of the line. “Don’t worry, I’m not going not to cheat on you. You're the only person that I ever want to be with, but I don’t want to feel the need to have to call you everyday. I love you, and I could talk to you all day, but with school and volleyball, I don’t think I can talk to you.”

“So,” you said, “you want to stay together, but you don’t want to call me because you’re busy and I’m busy.”

“Kind of.”

You bit the side of your cheek. You didn’t like the idea of not talking to Kuroo everyday. It was the only time of day where you could relax and not think about school, or at least not feel guilty about not missing school. “You’re not going to date anyone else?”

“Not unless they're you.”

“And you’ll call me every now and then when you're free?”

“Of course.”


The day before your graduation was the only day that Kuroo called you. He was congratulating you, but the phone call only lasted five minutes. It wasn’t as if you had no contact at all though, he would text you at least once every two weeks telling you that he loves you and that your relationship was going to work.

A navy blue graduation gown hung on your shoulders covering your white and black dress. The gold silk cloth that were around your shoulders made you stand out in the sea of blue. You spotted your parents in the crowd when you were giving your valedictorian speech.

They cried, even though you thought it wasn’t that great. Once your speech was over, they ushered your class over to the right side of the stage and started calling names to get the diploma. They told the audience to hold the applause until all of the name were called.

“(L/N), (Y/N),” the principal said.

You climbed the stairs to the stage and walked across it. You shook your principal's hand and took the diploma with your other hand. When you let go of their hand, you turned the tassel from right to left and walked across the rest of the stage.  

You turned your head at the single clap that came from the audience. Kuroo stood there clapping, still in his volleyball jacket and shorts. A smile broke onto your face and you quickly stepped off of the stage and back into your seat.

You didn’t pay attention to your classmates as they got their diplomas. Your head was awkwardly turned sideways so that you could see Kuroo. He stood at the end of the rows of chairs with a huge smile on his face.

“Everyone raise for the the graduating class of 2017,” the principal announced.

Your class stood up and tossed their caps into the air. After that, you immediately turn to the back of the coward. It was hard to run in heels, but you managed.

You stopped in front of Kuroo and stared at him with awe. Kuroo stepped closer to you, and grabbed your hands.

“You came….” you whispered. “I didn’t know you were going to come. I don’t remember telling you that I was graduating today. I forgot myself. I woke up and my roommate told me, that I should go over my speech again-”

Kuroo brought you closer and kissed you.

“You were rambling,” he said.

“Yes, I tend to do that.”

He smiled at you. “I went on to the other side of the world for you. At least you could do is buy me some food. I heard that the pizza here is amazing.”

“I’m the one who graduated though.”

“I did too, but I guess a can spare a few dollars.”

You let go of one of his hands, and dragged him over to to where you parents where.


You faced him again, but he looked nervous. His hands were shaking and he was looking down. He pulled out a box from his pocket, and opened it. Your heart stopped, but then you laughed.

A key was placed in between the folders of the the velvet material. “(Y/N), will you give me the honor of moving in with me-and Bokuto-but he’s never there.”

You laughed again. “Of course. For a second I thought you were going to propose to me.”   

Kuroo shrugged and began walking in the direction of your parents again. “I have the ring too, but I thought that i would wait for a better time.”

You nodded.

“Wait. What?”


Hue hue hue~

I got 3 stories going through my head.
1 is on the go. (publishing updates)
2 are yet to be written or in the works. (unpublished)
And my mind just wants to explode.

I can't believe you people actually ranted last time..... Eh, whatever works.

Feel free to do whatever~ as long as it isn't grotesque or illegal.

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