Kageyama Tobio - Captain

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 AU: Regular - reader is the captain of the girls team.

Thank you, thuglyfeotaku for requesting!

Tags/Warning: FEM! Reader

Word Count: 592


She always talks to him.

Kageyama stared at the 3rd year girl captain talking to the new 3rd year boy captain, Yamaguchi.

It's always this way, when did Yamaguchi get enough confidence to talk to a girl that wasn't Yachi?

He stared at the two having a conversation, probably what they're going to do for their date later, he kept mocking in his head.


The (H/C)(ette, or whatever) faced Tadashi as she felt the chilling stare of Kageyama on her back.

"Is he still staring?" she asked the taller boy in front of her.

"Ya, (L/N)-san, we can talk about game schedules later if you want, I know it means a lot to you, but there's no rush."

Yamaguchi knew that (Y/N) had been trying to amp up the girl's team since their downfall in her first year. When the 3rd years left the team, she had quickly jumped into a position of authority to get the rest of the girls back on their feet again.

"No!" Her (S/T (skin tone)) hands latched onto the other captain's arm. "When's your next game I'll make sure that everyone of us will go, I want them to get excited about volleyball again."

Yamaguchi raised his free hand to pet the girls head lightly. "You've done enough already (Y/N), I'm sure they're grateful. Our next game is next Friday."

(Y/N) gave Yamaguchi a hug before running out of the gym. "I'll be sure to see you there!"


Ooh~ they must be the cutest couple in the school, Kageyama's brain bickered, oh how cute, you'd only scare her away Tobio.

Kageyama kept glaring Yamaguchi from across the gym, even though (Y/N) had left.

"Um, Kageyama, are you alright?" Yamaguchi knew what was up with him, it wasn't hard to tell, (Y/N) knew it herself in reality.

"You know, if you want to talk to (L/N)-san, the girls' team will be finishing up a meeting in 15 minutes or so." Yamaguchi walked away not wanting to bother Kageyama any further.

And Kageyama just stood there.



"Okay, so we will all meet here, in this room, on Friday after last period okay?" (Y/N)'s voice sounded, loud and strong.

"Hai!" A chorus of voice game afterwards, followed by a group of smiling teenage girls running out of the unused classroom.

Kageyama hid behind the door, waiting for the captain to come out.

After waiting a minute, (Y/N) strolled out of the room, closing and locking the door.

"Hi, Kageyama."

"How did you know I was here?"

Looking at him, (Y/N) sighed. "Did you forget that you have a massive shadow following you everywhere you go?"

It's true, his shadow was looming over the door because of the setting sun. Kageyama's hands suddenly got sweaty.

How do I say it?!

"Um, (L/N)-san?"

"Hmm?" Her large (E/C) eyes didn't help, so he looked away as his cheeks became rosy.

"I-I-I ugh, r-real-ly l-lik-ke y-you-u umm a-an-d-d I-I-I w-wasss w-wond-der-ring i-if y-you-u w-would-d l-lik-ke t-to g-go on a-a-a d-dat-te-te w-w-w-with-th-th m-m-m-e-e?"

(Y/N) stared at him trying not to laugh that the adorable stuttering and expressions he had to make to get the question out.

"Hmm, okay." You smiled at him.

"O-okay?" He asked calming down significantly.

"Hmm, I'd love to go on a date with you."

That's when he lost it.

A DATE?!?!

And that creepy yet cute smile of his didn't go anywhere for a while.


Updated: 01/17/2021

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