Kuroo Tetsuro- Look

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AU: Regular

Idea came to mind after my mom and I were leaving TNT and I made eye contact with some dude. He was cute.

Note: this is set in any country where English is most commonly spoken. So if you happen to not live in an area like that. Think of an English speaking country your like to live in.


You picked up muiltiple sushi plates for your group of friends as you passed by the display. (F/N) walked around the isle of snacks, stuffing muiltiple different packages into the rolling basket they dragged behind them.

"Hey, (F/N)? Do you think this will be enough food for the team?"

Looking into your basket (F/N) laughed and grabbed an armfull of extra sushi, dumping it into you basket.

"Oh honey, you play for a soccer team. You are a single person and can eat that on your own. Its not enough for 16 athletes."

Nodding you looked at the display, grabbing another armfull you looked to (F/N) and sighed.

"What about Su, Shi can eat a Tuna fish." you said large smile on you face as is you had just won gold at the FIFA world cup.

Getting no reaction from your friend you sighed and grabbed your basket.

"Okay. Lets go," you sighed.


As you and (F/N) left the store you looked around the parking lot and into a small food court area in the corner of the store where you saw a group of boys talking about who knows what.

One of the boys looked up from the group and out the window to the parking lot where you stood.

Staring for a moment, your shoulders tensed before you kept walking to your friends car. Before you got in you looked to the window, you saw his eyes on yours again. A warm chill ran up your spine and you ducked into the car.


"Kuroo, what are you looking at?"

Turning his head to one of his teammates Kuroo held his breath and spoke in slightly broken English.

"Oh oh, nothing, just looking outside."

Nodding, his teamate turned away and talked with their other friends. But a sudden jerk turned him back around with a somewhat surprised look.

"Oh, Kuroo, there's a party for the sports teams at our school. We were planning on going, but we need everyone's opinion too. What do you say?"

Smiling Kuroo nodded.

"Ya, is it going to be a ball?"

The captain stared blankly at him teammate before sighing.

"Oh come on. That was a good one."


"We have to do this?" you asked the captain of your team.

"Yes, especially you. Okay everyone. Track jackets on. Food ready let's go." you threw on your baggy jacket, grabbed a bag of food and left the campus apartment with your team.


"Okay food on the tables. Go have fun." you called out as you dropped your bag of sushi.

You watched as your team spread out among the other sports teams socializing and occasionally flirting.

Turning your head you spotted a familiar head of hair standing in the crowd. But you not being like your teamates, headed toward the corner of park like area.


"Is it them?"

Kuroo flinched slightly at the sound of his captain speaking right bed tri his ear.

"That's (Y/N). Vice-captain and the goalie of the schools soccer team. Broke a kids toe once with their knee. Don't get 'em mad."

Kuroo continued to stare as he felt a breeze run over his shoulders.

"They were in the parking lot yesterday."

"Ah. So that's what grabbed your attention." the captain let's that hang in the air for a moment and he leaned over Kuroo's shoulder with his hands in his pockets, "well good luck with that. (Y/N) is known to punch and kick."


You had your had your head tilted back when you heard someone lit next to you.

"No I don't want a drink. My teamates are drunk enough as it is."

Looking at the person you froze realizing who it was that you were looking at.

"Do I know you?" you asked.

"No." he said, accent poking through despite the small word.

You tilted your head, raising an eyebrow as if to say 'why you here then?'



With every word his accent became thicker until he just slipped straight into another language.

"I'm gonna go now."


Mid ascent, the boy spoke, making you sit back down next to him.

"I am Kuroo Tetsuro. I would prefer if you called me Kitten."

He bowed before hold his hand out for you to take.

"Kitten? Was that some sort of pick up line?"

"I'm better in Japanese."

You started laughing, taking the black haired mans hand and giving it a firm shake.

"Hi kitten, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) you can call me bulldog," You laughed jokingly.

"Why bulldog?"

You smiled, "cause I can be a bit of a bully."

Blink long Kuroo tilted his head giving you an uderly confused look.

"You know what? I'd probably be better in Japanese too." you sighed.


Tell me what I'm doing because I have forgotten!


I'm sorry for the terrible puns I have put into this


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