Asahi Azumane- Ink

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Soulmate AU: Where when you write on your skin it appears on your soulmate and vise versa. You can not share important details.



"(L/N)! Stop drawing and pay attention or I will take your sketch book away."

You hands stopped mid movement creating a jagged line instead of a smooth one like you hand intended. Your arms swing wildly as you shuffled to close and put away the book. The students around you watched in putty as you made a fool of yourself for no reason but turned away once the teacher called for yhier attention again.

As he spoke you began to zone out, no paper in front of you to keep you in focus. Your hand drifted closer to your other arm and the blue pen you held began swirling around in the same spot. In your daze you failed to notice anything was happening until a sharp pain shot through the line of your arm.

Looking down you saw the repeated pattern of what was a messy infinity sign and irritated skin surrounding it.

"My mom's gonna kill me."

You quickly licked your finger and began rubbing the messy sketch but in only made your skin more irritated and the ink muddy looking.


Clicking your pen you set it in front of you. Trying to fight the urge to grab it again, you didn't notice the new image and text that appeared.

Where your smudge sat on your arm, a torso apeard bellow it arms held up and hands holding the mess as if it was it's head. An arrow sat next to it with the words 'my brain while in advanced theoretical  physics'.

You stared at the readable handwriting -which could use some pollishing, not that you where one to talk- and slowly let your hand drift for the blue ink pen.

'Can't imagine,' you wrote 'I prefer world history and culture myself.'

You waited a moment but quickly added a mess of text that read 'but I tend to lean toward the arts' which you quickly regreted for the terrible transition and began to attempt smudging off when a bubble of text popped up again in the same writing.

'Is that what you call this?' it said above an arrow pointing back at the smudge from before. 'must be abstract'

Your eyebrows dropped and you lips scrunched together.

'Are you always like this or am I one of the lucky few?'

A reply almost came instantly.

'Let's just say you wouldn't believe it was me if we met in person.'


It was late that night, almost two in the morning, but you were got up in drawing. You had piles of pens of various colours sitting next to you in your bed as you drew gigantic, matching patterns on all of your arms and legs. Both of your hand worked carefully making sure that the colours would be fixable and apear vibrant on your (S/T) skin.

It was three when you finally passed out.


You barely remembered that your limbs where covered in ink when you woke up, and you were dressed and out the door before you realised. The drowsiness never left you until you got into class and sat down where you took full notice of your skin and saw the bright colours and the small 'gee thanks' printed on your finger

"Oh no." you looked around the room before calling out to a pair of classmates. "Sugawara! Give me your jacket! Kiyoko! Do you have an extra pair of socks?"

You went through the rest of the school day wearing your friends thigh high socks and a male uniform jacket, which you somehow didn't get in trouble for.

"I wish I was a guy, they can where long sleeved everything and it will all be hidden... Huh... That's not such a bad idea." you mummbled to yourself as you made your way to the boys gym so you could dispose of the extra layers you had on.

When you got in a group of the boys crowded a door at the side of a room, you ignored them and made your way to Sugawara and Kiyoko who stood next to the coach, all wore sour expressions.

"Who put what in the where?" you asked handing back the clothing to their rightful owners.

"Asahi embarrassed and won't come out of the change room." Sugawara sighed pushing a hand through his hair.

"Third year? Why's that?"

"Yup him. Apparently some pen ink or something, probably broke one during his test earlier, likely got too nervous. But now he's locked himself in the change room."

You nodded and tried to run of your own own misshap, or mistake, or you just being an idiot at three in the morning, and yawned.

"Well, I'm beat. Tell me if you get his out of there okay?" you said walking for the exit.

"(L/N)? Could you, ya know, give it a shot? Try and get him out? You're good with babies he's pretty much a giant one." Sugawara asked from where he stood, hands held tightly together.

"I may be good with babies, it doesn't mean I like them." You where about to continue leaving but-

"You owe me. I lent you my jacket, now you do with for me. Please?"

You huffed to yourself and made your way to the change room door where everyone stood. You shood everyone away and knocked on the door softly.

"Asahi? It's (L/N). Is everything alright?"

A small 'no' was heard from the other side of the door. You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today and pushed your hand against the door frame.

"Do you think you could let me in?"

A small click was heard, you waited a few seconds before pushing your way in. On one of the benched sat a pile of towels with a head poking out.

Asahi who was looking at you frowned and huffed.

"This is your fault." he said.

"Hey what did I do?" you asked taking a seat on the bench in front if him.

You calmly looked at him as he threw the towels to the floor to reveal all the matching patterns, colours, and ink across his body.

You whistled for a second, "if I had known that my soulmate would have those kinds of muscles I would have done this a long time ago."

You got up and held a bicep that was covered in swirls and crosses that matched your own.

"Like, jeez, it makes you look twice as big. Not complaining though." You said admiring your work on a different canvas.

The man-bunned boy shuddered as you walked around him, one hand never leaving his body.

"Well I am, please, get this stuff off me. People will stare."

You stopped in front of him and held his cheek with one hand and his shoulder with another. His hands fell to your back, shaking as if thinking you would attack.


"N-no? Why not?" he stuttered.

"Well, sweetie," you said teasingly leaning in closer and pulling him at the same time. "You need to learn to be more confident in yourself, and besides,"

Your hand slipped into his as you leaned away and pulled him gently toward the exit. It was as if he was walking on a cloud and your words were a gentle breeze, pulling him out of his state of unease.

You pushed the door open with a wink, "it looks good on you."


I quite like this one. But it's one in the morning and I should sleep.

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