Akaashi Keiji- Pain (Part 2)

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AU: Hanahaki Disease

Requested by those who did.

Also. There was a request for a soulmate AU for Akaashi. So I'm merging it with this one. You'll see why.

Publishing this one today because I just got back from my trip yesterday and I was tired.

Short like my attention span


A small white petal fell from Akaashi's mouth as he looked at the end of the hall. There stood a girls flaunting around her new boyfriend. He still clung on to the thought of her. You on the other hand saw someone who cheated the rules.

Although the boy acted like a lost puppy. The girl seemed to treat him like a purse. The connection between them was uneven and likely to snap.

The lights that surrounded the two where fighting each other and where not co-operating. You pulled Akaashi out of the school and to an overhanging tree in the yard. As you did so you studied the auras of the coyples you had helped. The colours danced around each other in harmony, creating beutiful mixtures of the two.

Akaashi laid down along the grass, sure to be in the shade. You sat bedside tracing fingers along his chest to ease the but of pain he felt. The light that surrounded him was a dark grey. He was lost.

"Keiji, I can't read your mind. How are you feeling?"

He turned his head slughtly, his dark hair shifting as he did so.

"Better now that they're gone,"

The aura around him shifted, flashing green, before settling down into a toned down shade of the colour.

"Better now that I'm alone with you."

His voice was soft and gentle and so was his smile. Your hand dragged up from his chest to gently hold his face. Akaashi mirrored your actions, pulling you closer to his so that your head rested next to his.

"Thank you."

You grinned, a lightly poked the quite boy's cheek with your nose.

"You shouldn't thank me," you placed a feather of a kiss along his jaw, "you deserve happiness. And I will give it to you matter how long it takes."

Akaashi used his arm that was around you to pull you closer into him. Body becoming more evident as you were pushed up against him

"I better get used to you then."

People subconsciously find their soul mates. They never have just one, but the actions of you and the people that surround you lead you down certain paths.

No one could see the auras. Not that you knew of. But you could see the connections people made who they would connect well with. No one could see them. So no one could see the beauty of two broken auras dance and create a vibrant mix of green and orange despite the dark they come from.

"Akaashi, are you happy?"

He smiled with a sigh and looked up at the tree that created shade for the two of you.

"With you." He coughed, "but the thought of pain makes me with misserable."

He held out a blood red rose out to you. You held it lightly and let it rest of the grass next to you.

"But with you, I feel the greatest joy that I have in a long time."

You giggled and brushed your thumb along his now petalless lips.

"I would say that you have no reason for flowers to fall out of your mouth now."

The auras that surrounded you lost its dark tone, both becoming more colourful and vibrant.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."


I want pizza.

Feel free to contact me or something.
I hope you guys like my co-author.

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