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Chresanto August has been on his own for two months now. He's only sixteen, and doesn't have a work permit. It's hard for him to find a job willing to hire him because of that, but he still tries.

You may be wondering why he's on his own at such a young age. Chresanto lived with abusive parents for ten years, it wasn't always like that. When he was a child, his parents were the best parents he could ask for. At first, it was just a drink every now and then, then it became more frequent. And then his parents were introduced to drugs, and that's when the abuse began.

After putting up with it for ten years, he couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed a few things and through them in a bag, then he ran. He came upon a place in the woods, he used a tarp to make a tent, and found an air mattress on the side of the road. He made sure it was clean, and it was, so he took it.

He was all alone, until he met Melanie, a fifteen year old girl with a two month old daughter, Amoré.

Once Melanie found out she was pregnant, she told her parents. They turned their backs on her, kicked her out of their home and told her never speak to them again. They wanted nothing to do with her, they completely disowned her.

So, like any other fifteen year old girl would do, she turned to her boyfriend, Darius, for help. Only, he didn't want the baby, nor did he want Melanie, he was just looking for a little fun, nothing too serious. He breaks up with Melanie, telling her he doesn't think the baby is his, and he doesn't want it. He refuses to help her in anyway.

Melanie had no where else to go, no family, no boyfriend. It was just her and her baby.

She took her things with her, staying in a cheap hotel for a few weeks before she eventually didn't have enough money. She stayed under a near by bridge, it sheltered her and her newborn from the rain.

After keeping herself and her baby safe, her ex-boyfriend and the biological father of her child finds her. Darius tries to take the baby, but Melanie has a feeling he won't take care of her, so she refuses to let him. When he pulls a gun on them, Chresanto comes to her rescue. And that's where their story begins, Under The Bridge.

Chresanto tells Melanie it'd be safer for her to stay with him, out of the city. And so she does, wanting the best for her daughter. And that's where their friendship begins.

Hey, guys. It's the author, Michele. I hope you guys enjoy this. The chapters will be much longer. What'd you think of the introduction? I promise this will be an interesting story and I hope you like it. Stay tuned for the first chapter, it'll be coming soon.


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