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You guys are awesome❤️ thank you for your support in the last chapter.


You can listen to the song in the media at anytime. It's what I listened to writing the chapter, so the vibes are kinda the same.

"This is our home." Melanie smiles, showing me around. "This is our room."

She sets my bag on the bed, turning towards me. "I'm gonna get some pictures and see if that helps you remember anything."

"Thanks." I sit on the bed, looking around the room.

I look at the pictures in the room while she's gone. Pictures of us, on what looked like our wedding day, pictures of us and our children. I smile, picking the family picture up from the dresser. Our twins were so little.

"Okay, I brought all the photo albums I have." She comes in with about five books.

She sets them on the bed, and then sits beside of me. "Which do you want to start with?"

I look up at her, grabbing her chin and pressing my lips to hers.

When I pull away, she smiles. "What was that for?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I've just wanted to do that since I first saw you."

Her face turns a slight shade of light red, making me laugh. "You're adorable." I kiss her cheek. "I know I'm probably already in love with you, seeing as we're married with a family, but I swear it feels like I'm falling in love for the first time every time we talk."

"Well, at least I know my sweet little baby is still in there." She smiles at me.

"Hey," I wrap my arms around her. "I am your sweet little baby."


"Promise." I nod. "Always and forever and ever and ever."

Her eyes begin to water, and I hug her tightly. "Please don't cry, Melanie."

She holds onto me tightly, sobbing into my chest.

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to calm her down.

"You have no idea how hard it was without you. I was so close to giving up hope, and now you're here. Like you never left." She cries. "I hate that this happened to us. It's not fair to you, or me. It's not fair to our kids. The kids needed you, I needed you, and they took you from us."

"But I'm here now." I remind her. "I'm here. We'll fix this, we'll make it right."

"I hate them. I've never hated anyone in my life, but I hate them." She admits. "I hate them, Chres."

"Baby, that's okay." I assure her. "You don't have to forgive them immediately. That's impossible to do, after all they put you through."

"Chres you don't understand. I didn't hate my parents for abandoning me. I didn't hate Darius even after all he did to us, because he gave me Amorè. I hate them, I want to physically harm them." She cries. "And it's tearing me apart because that's not who I am, and it's not who I want to be. I want to be like you. I want to have a big heart."

"You do, my love. But it's their fault you raised four kids on your own. It's their fault I was gone. It's their fault my memories are gone. It's their fault you had to work two jobs to support our family on your own." I remind her. "It takes time to heal from that kind of pain."

She continues to cry into my chest, letting me hold her. Eventually, she cries herself to sleep. I lay back in the bed carefully, holding her on my chest. I kiss her cheek, looking at her tear stained face, "I will make this right, for you and our kids."

She looks up at me and kiss her lips, first slowly and then it gets faster. I move the pictures from the bed, and then lay her back and lay between her legs.

I find myself moving from her lips, to her cheek, then her jaw, then her neck, and her shoulder.

She seems to be enjoying it, so I don't stop.

"The door isn't locked." She pants as my hand slips up her shirt.

I get up to go take care of that quickly, before returning to her. At this moment in time, all I can think of is how badly I need her.

After many hours of enjoying the company of my wife, we lay cuddled up together in the bed.

She's quiet, but smiling so I know she isn't sad anymore.

I rub up and down her back, not really knowing what else to say at this moment. The silence isn't awkward, it's just peaceful.

"I love you." She tells me.

"I love you too." I kiss her head. "You should get some rest. I'll go make some food, for when the kids get here."

"I'll help. I wanna be close to you." She smiles. "I feel like being clingy."

"Cling all you want." I chuckle, sitting up to get out of bed.

After a quick shower with Melanie, I slide on my boxers, followed by my basketball shorts. I hand Melanie her panties and my shirt to put on.

I carry her to the kitchen, placing her on the island. I stand between her legs and kiss her lips. My hands rest on her thighs as we talk. "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm fine, but the kids really like the cheese quesadillas you used to make. The recipe is on the counter if you want to use it." She tells me.

"Okay. I might need you to remind me where stuff is."

"Okay, daddy." She pecks my lips again.

She watches me move around the kitchen, helping when needed. They're really easy to make, so I don't need much help.

"Daddy!" I hear each of the kids exclaim. I turn the stove off, done just in time for them to be home.

I kneel down, letting them tackle me with hugs. Five kids coming at you at once can really knock you down, even if they all are super small.

"Hi, babies." I hug them all,

I quickly try to remind myself which one is which. I've been trying to memorize which one. I get Amorè and Leilani mixed up some, but I'm getting better.

It's taking time, which was expected. I still haven't remember anything, but it's only been a week. I just have to be patient.

It really sucks not remember my family or my home. I don't recognize any of it, not even a little. Everyone and every thing looks brand new.

Not going to lie, when I saw Melanie when I woke up, I was like "holy moly, she's beautiful."

I had a feeling she was something special to me.

It feels like I'm falling in love with her, even though I already am. She makes me smile, and gives me motivation and hope that I'll get better.

I'm glad I married her. I may not remember anything, but I already know I would have been the stupidest man alive if I wasn't married to her.

She's my everything. I don't know where I would be without her.

I will get through this. For her. For our family.

So, that's the end of part one ❤️ I promise, there is a part two. It will be in the same book, just labeled differently as the numbers will restart.

So keep this story in you libraries, vote, comment, and share.


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