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I'm stressed, overwhelmed, and a lot has been going on. I'm working on it.

Sorry for the wait, enjoy, it's 4,000 words😊

Yawning, I turn in bed, wrapping my arms around my husband.

He immediately tightens his arms around me, pulling me closer.

I kiss his chest, "I love you."

"I love you too." He says, half-asleep.

I cuddle into him, trying to go back to bed.

Unfortunately, Leilani has different plans for my morning, as she begins crying loudly.

"Want me to get her?" Chres asks.

"I got her." I shake my head.

"Thank you." He worked late last night.

I get out of bed, going to get our baby.

I pick her up, rocking her gently in my arms as I get her bottle together.

I feed her, and just as I begin burping her, Caleb begins crying.

Chresanto enters the room seconds later, picking him up gently. "What's wrong, little man?"

He bounces him easily, trying to calm him.

We switch kids so I can feed Caleb while he finishes burping Leilani. He kisses my lips quickly. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning, daddy." I smile.

Its around six in the morning, so we have to get Camden ready for school. My little baby boy is in kindergarten.

"We have to do Christmas shopping today." I remind him.

"I can't believe Christmas is in a month and a half already." He sighs.

After two months of staying in the cabin and searching for T we finally got to come home. She seems to have just disappeared, so we're still looking for her but we have to get our lives back.

We still have a lot of security and officers around. The kids are use to them now, they think of them as friends now. I'm grateful for everything they're doing for us, because it makes me feel a lot better about everything. I know if she comes anytime, we're safe.

"I know. They're gonna be two months already." I kiss Leilani's forehead. "They're getting so big."

"We could always have more. With the shop, I'm making good money now."

"I know, babe. And I know you want a lot of kids, but I'm not ready for pregnancy again." I tell him.

He sighs, "I know. But I'll wait." He shrugs. "We have forever. We're not even twenty yet."

I smile at him, "When they're older, we'll have another baby."

"I know. And now that I'm thinking about, you might not want to get pregnant while you're still breastfeeding, huh?"

"It probably wouldn't be easy." I laugh.

Once Caleb is finished eating, I hand him to Chres so he can be burped. I fix my shirt before going to wake up Camden.

"Cam, it's time wake up, buddy." I turn his lamp on.

He stretches, opening his arms for me to pick him up.

I do so, carrying him to the living room. I have all of his stuff, including his lunch, ready to go.

Since he is in kindergarten, they have half of the class go in today and the other half tomorrow, and the entire class on the third day. Its to get them used to it.

Under The Bridge(Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now