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Excuse the mistakes, didn't have time to proof read.

"Camden, buddy, there's something we have to tell you." I tell Camden, as we sit outside at a picnic table, enjoying our ice cream in the warm weather.

"Okay." He nods.

After thinking for a few days, I've decided I just have to tell him.

"Your mommy, she, she um-" I don't have the heart to tell him this. I don't want to see him cry.

"She's coming back?" He looks up hopefully.

"No." I shake my head sadly. "Remember how we talked about Heaven in church?"

"Where the angels live?" He asks.

"Yes, where the angels live with God. And they're always so happy. And the watch over us." I answer. "Mommy went to live in Heaven."

"When is she coming back?" He frowns.

"She's not, buddy. But she's always going to be in your heart." I tell him.

"You lying." His eyes begin to water. "Melanie, he lying, right?"

"I'm so sorry." Melanie shakes her head, about to cry herself.

"You both liars." He wipes his eyes. "My mommy is okay."

He looks down, pushing his ice cream away. "My mommy is okay and she's gonna come back and get me."

"I'm so sorry, Camden." I frown. "They did everything they could to save her."

"She not gone." He cries. "She's okay, she's okay."

"Come here." I open my arms.

He jumps off the bench, running around the side to jump in my arms as he cries loudly now.

"I want my mommy!" He cries. "I want her."

"I know." I frown, rocking him.

He sniffles, continuing to cry loudly. I have to fight back tears myself.

I didn't expect this to be easy, but I can't imagine how he feels. This has to be one of the worst pains you ever deal with. He's three, and now he has to live life without his mother.

All because her boyfriend was high.

He was high off of multiple drugs, and they got in an argument. He pulled a gun out and shot her right in the head. She died immediately.

Melanie wipes her eyes, joining the hug. She runs her hands through Camden's hair, trying to soothe him like she does with Melanie.

"May I ask what's wrong?" A woman in a pink dress asks.

"His mother past away a few nights ago. He just found out." I explain.

"Oh, I'm very sorry." She frowns, placing her hand over her heart. "I'm a child physiologist. I've heard that cry before."

She digs around in her purse, pulling out a card. "If he begins to have nightmares, please call immediately. Things like this really impact children."

"I know. Thank you." I take the card. I could tell she wasn't trying to be noisy, she really was trying to help.

"Not a problem. I'm sorry for your loss." She gives a small smile.

I nod, and she walks off.

"Daddy?" Camden asks, and I look down at him. He's never called me that before.

"Yes, sir?"

"Can we go home and pretend mommy just moved away?" He asks.

"Mommy is still here. She lives in your heart now, she'll be wherever you are." I tell him.

Under The Bridge(Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now