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Walking down the empty hall, I find the ice machine, getting three cup fulls.

I walk back to my room, closing the door.

I chew on some ice, putting some into a napkin and placing it on my forehead.

Withdrawals from cocaine suck worse than pills.

I get really hot, then really cold, throw up, I'm agitated. There's a lot going on, and I just want my baby.

I want to be home with Melanie and the kids.

I call for a nurse, wanting to use the phone. The one in my room isn't able to be used just yet for outside calls.

"Yes, Mr. August?" One of the nurses walk in.

"I need to call Melanie." I say desperately. "I need my baby."

"You can't."

"I need to call my baby!" I shout. "I need her! Not you or these stupid therapists. I need my wife."

"You need to calm down." She tells me. "I have something that might help."

She pulls a small bag, the familiar white substance packed into it.

All it would take to put me out of my misery is one sniff. One little line. Just a little bit. That's all it would take.

But that stuff is what put me in here. Its the reason I'm away from my family. Away from my pregnant wife and two young children. Its the reason I almost hurt my pregnant wife and two young children.

I promised Melanie I would never touch drugs again. I can't.

"Get it out of here." I grind my teeth, the ice in my mouth now melting.

"I'll give to you for free." She waves it around. "No one will know."

"I will. I promised I would get better. So you need to leave my room with that, before I accidentally put my hands on you." I look away.

"You don't want one little bit? Just a line. Not even a big one. Just something to get rid of those nasty withdrawals."

"That stuff almost cost me my family. I need you to leave this room." I demand. "Now."

She smiles, as two other nurses step inside. "We're proud of you. It's only been a week and you've made amazing progress."

"What is going on?" I look between them.

"Its powdered sugar. We were testing you, and you passed."

"So, we're gonna let you call and talk to Melanie now."

"Really?" I ask, a wide smile on my face.

"Yep. And you now have privileges to use the phone in your room whenever you want. However, you may not stay on the phone all day." The nurse says.

"Thank you. Now I'm calling my wife." I pick up the phone, dialing Melanie's number as fast as I can.

She picks up on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Baby." I sigh happily.

"Chres?" She smiles.

"It's me, love. I miss you." I lay back on the bed, moving the phone so I can. Not only was it a landline, it also had a cord.

"I miss you too, baby. I thought you wouldn't be able to call for another week." She sighs happily. "It's so nice to talk to you."

"Same here. I just need to hear your voice." I close my eyes. "I love you."

Under The Bridge(Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now