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"Mommy, when is uncle Ray Ray gonna be here?" Camden asks.

"Soon, pumpkin." I promise.

Ray went to get the cake while the rest of us stayed to decorate. We're having the baby shower today. Chres was supposed to come home three days ago, but now the rehab said he has to stay another week. But I already paid to rent the event room, so now we have to have it today. And my husband doesn't even get to be here.

It's upsetting to say the least.

Chres finally decided on a name for our boy though. Leilani Grace and Caleb Lorenzo will be here in less than a month.

I like their names, they sound amazing. Camden and Amoré have great names as well. Camden Romelo and Amoré Hope.

And daddy is Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo, and I'm Melanie Lyric. I like all of our names.

"Melanie if you don't sit down and let us finish. You can't be doing all this reaching and lifting." Mom says.

"I'm trying to help." I laugh.

"You won't be able to help if your water breaks. Sit down and relax for a bit." She says. "Call Chres and talk to him."

I smile, talking to my baby is always a good idea.

"Hello?" He answers the phone immediately.

"Hi." I smile. "It's me."

"I know. How's everything going, beautiful?"

"Its going. I just wish you could be here." I admit.

"I know, baby. And I'm sorry I'm not." He sighs. "But I'll be there for their birth. And I'll be there for the next pregnancy, I swear."

Between the coma, the work trip and rehab, he's missed pretty much all of my appointments except one of them.

"I know, and I know you want to be here. Its just hard." I shrug. "But let's talk about something happy."

"How is everyone?" He asks.

"The kids are good. Amoré doesn't know what to do without you here. She'll just sit there, and when I ask what she's doing, she says she's just thinking of daddy."

"I miss her too. I miss all of you. I'm gonna be home soon though, I promise."

"And we can't wait."


I make Camden and Amoré's plates when it's time to eat.

Someone rubs my stomach, "Have you eaten yet, Melanie?"

I quickly look up to see Chres. "Baby?"

"Hi." He smiles.

I put the plates down, hugging him tightly. "I thought you couldn't come?"

"I'm home for good, baby." He rubs my back. "I wanted to surprise you, they released me today."

"I missed you." I stretch up to kiss him. "Go sit down. I'll make you a plate after I finish the kids'."

"You go sit down. I'll finish theirs and then make us plates." He tells me, picking up where I left off.

He sits the plates on the kid table, and the kids finally see him. "Daddy!" Both of them cheer, getting up to attack him with hugs.

"Hi, babies." He scoops both of them up. He kisses their cheeks, and they laugh and continue holding him tightly.

After a few minutes, he puts them back in their seats so they can eat. Then he makes our plates.

Under The Bridge(Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now