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Shout out to honeykissed For a shout out, all you have to do is blow up the comments.

I forgot the shoutouts in the last chapter, my bad.

By the way, it is August 17th, 2016 in the story.

"Melanie, go." Shay laughs. "You'll see her in a couple hours."

While Chres and I are going to handle a few things, Shay is watching Amoré. I'm nervous because I rarely ever leave Amoré.

I know she's in good hands, but I can't help but worry. Especially since she just got out of the hospital two days ago.

"I know." I sigh. "Okay, I think I'm ready. Let's go before I cry."

Chres grabs my hand, telling Shay we'll be back in a few hours.

He leads the way to the car. He walks to the passenger side with me, but he doesn't unlock the door.

Instead, he turns to me, kissing my lips sweetly. "Love you."

"Love you." I smile.

He opens my door, letting me in before closing it.

I buckle up while he gets into the drivers seat, buckling himself.

He starts the car, letting it run for a minute before driving. He takes my hand in his, "Are you ready to see them again?"

"No, but hopefully, this'll be one of the last times I have to see them." I answer. "What about you?"

"Not really looking forward to seeing them." He admits.

"It'll be okay." I squeeze his hand. "We got this."

He smiles, continuing to drive.

We go to my parents house first, since I think they'll be the easiest.

It's a quiet drive, mainly because we're both nervous.

We wait, hand-in-hand, on the porch after I ring the doorbell.

My mom, Anita, pulls the door open, a huge smile on her face. Until she sees me, and then it turns to a scowl.

"What do you want?" She glares at me.

"All I want is for you to give up your rights." I shrug. "I want to be emancipated. All you have to do is say why you want to give up your rights, and I have to prove I can care for myself."

"How long is this gonna take?" She rolls her eyes.

"You have to call the juvenile court and get a date to go." I answer. "I have their number."

"Come in. Let's get this over with." She moves to the side.

I step inside, Chres following closely behind me.

"You know where the sitting room is." My mom tells me. "I'm going to get your father."

I lead Chres to the sitting room, sitting on the loveseat.

He sits close to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. He kisses the side of my head, taking my hand in his.

My parents sit on the across from us.

"Why exactly are you asking this?" My father, Mike, asks.

"I feel like since I'm taking care of myself and I have a child, I should be able to make decisions when I need to, instead of being told I have to have your permission." I explain.

"Would this have anything to do with him?" Anita looks at Chres.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask her.

Under The Bridge(Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now