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This new update is annoying lol. But hey, I finally updated 😊

Enjoy! It's gon' be the last chapter of this part. Ima make a part 2 in this one like I did with Trynna Make It, so instead of making a separate book for the sequel, it'll all be in this one.

I drive for two hours before I find a gas station. I go inside, just to find out where I am.

"Um, I think I took a couple wrong turns, can you tell me where I am?" I ask.

"You're in Alabama. The interstate is about two miles up the road." He answers.

"Thanks. Can you tell me which way I go to get to Maryland?" I ask.

"Sure, jump on the north one and just keep going." He nods.

I thank him and go back to the car, seeing a credit card in the middle console. I go back inside to load up on food and gas, and then I head towards the interstate.

While pushing buttons to figure what they're for, I find a GPS. I know my address by heart, so I punch it in quickly.

I can't help but smile. This is it. After two years, I'm going home. I'm gonna see my babies.

I'm going to see my wife.

And I'm never gonna let them go again.

Melanie's POV

"Mommy, I miss daddy." Amorè frowns. "I know he's in my heart, but sometimes I wish he was here."

Today, her teacher sent home to flyers for the father daughter dance. They've been making decorations for it every day in art class. It's really hard on Amorè.

"I just want my daddy." She sniffles, wiping her eyes.

I pick her up, hugging her tightly. "Don't cry, princess."

"I can't." She holds me tightly. "I miss him. I want my daddy."

"I know, pumpkin." I rub her back. "I miss him too."

"I want him to come home now." She sobs. "I just want my daddy."

I don't know what to tell her. It breaks my heart to hear her cry, and I don't know how to comfort her. What's gonna cheer her up, when all she wants his her father?

So I sit there and hold her while she cries, and end up crying with her, and trying to tell her it'll be okay. I show her pictures of Chres, we talk about him, and I show her videos of the two of them.

It makes her smile, so I feel a little better.

Chresanto's POV

I eventually stop again for food, and end up finding a pay phone.

I don't have hope that it works, but I try it anyway. And thank God it works.

I know my baby's phone number so I dial it quickly.

The phone answers after two rings, "Hello, this is my mommy phone." I hear a baby girl speak. My baby girl.

"Where is your mommy?" I ask.

"Leilani, what are you doing?" I hear Melanie ask.

"Somebody called you, mommy." She answers innocently.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, there's no picture." Leilani replies.

"Hello?" Melanie is now on the phone.

Under The Bridge(Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now