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I feel like I haven't updated in forever...and its only been a week.

Enjoy the chapter!

Blow up the comments for a shout out.

Also, my wattpad is still broke. I can't log into the app, which is why this is late. Its been done for five days. I sent in a ticket and got one reply, that wasn't even helpful. I sent back that those things hadn't worked, and never got a response. So until it's fixed, idk, but I'm trying to get it fixed.


"You know, I'm gonna miss this." Chres rubs circles in my lower back. "Nights where I hold you and we get some intimate time together."

"It'll only be four weeks." I laugh a little.

"I know. But when the twins get here, we're gonna be tired all the time." He sighs.

"Baby, we'll still have time for each other." I assure him, rubbing his chest.

"I know, I just realized I'm gonna be sharing you with four people now." He says.

"Well, we still have three months to spend quality time together." I angle my body and head so I can kiss him.

He lets his hands rest on my hips, taking control of the kiss.

When things begin heating up again, Amoré begins crying.

"Want me to get her?" Chres asks, removing his lips from mine.

"Maybe I should." I answer. "Are you...decent?"

"Good idea. I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

"Just...wait." I stand up, putting on Chres' boxers and one of his shirts laying on the dresser.

I make my way to Amoré's room, where she's standing in her crib, crying her eyes out.

"What's wrong, mommas?" I pick her up.

"I had bad dream." She wipes her eyes.

"Awe, poor baby." I sit in the rocking chair, "What happened?"

"You had sister and brother and went bye bye and daddy went bye bye and we had to go wif auntie and she was mean." She answers.

"Awe, mommy is right here. And daddy is right in the room sleeping. We're never gonna leave you, okay?" I wipe her eyes.

"Pomise?" She asks.

"I promise, Amoré." I kiss her forehead. She lays her head on my shoulder, calming down a bit.

I sing her a song, rocking slowly.

She falls back asleep, and I carefully lay her in the crib, and tuck her in, placing her bear beside of her so it's there when she wakes up.

I return to my room, returning to Chres.

"You're an awesome mom." He smiles.

"You're an awesome dad." I kiss his lips. He places his hands on my hips again and we carry on.


I wake up at eight, like normal. Chres' arms are wrapped securely around my waist. We're tangled in the covers, the cover just above Chres' waist and my chest.

I slowly sit up, careful not to wake my sleeping husband. I get out of bed, walking over to the dress to get something the wear.

I get my underwear, some shorts and try to find a shirt. "Baby?" Chres yawns from the bed.

"Morning, baby." I smile, grabbing a tank top. "I'm just taking a shower, you can go back to bed."

"Come lay on me." He opens his arms.

Under The Bridge(Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now