Priority of Life by TwiiHeart, reviewed by Lilshrimp

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     Title: Priority of Life

     Author: TwiiHeart

     Genres: Teen Fiction/ Romance

Rating: PG

Summary/ BlurbWhen best friends Rachel and Hannah learn some heart breaking news, something that could make or, more likely break, their ever strong friendship, what will they do to stop it? How far will they go to save their relationship? And what happens when the guy Hannah likes wants to get serious? Will she be able to keep her priorities straight and save her relationship with Rachel?

Review-  Priority of Life isn’t necessarily long. It however did capture me in a way. The story is                 all about living and how you plan to live your life. It's taking something that has been written thousands of times, but taking it in a new, and original light. And that is what makes Priority of Life something worth reading.

     My issue with the story was that everything felt rushed. I didn’t have a connection with the characters or the setting. The story lacked details so I could get that mental image. Rachel and Hannah have no image for me really, and I don’t know what they are like. Remember you are the author, and you know all but we the readers only know what you tell us. Give us some details, something to link us to the story, and ourselves. Some of the best books give us such a strong mental image that we feel as if we are with them. Strive for that.

     Despite that, it had a sense of sweetness, of innocence. Of what it should mean to be in high school. What we all wish we had. To have real friends, and to live high school in a way few of us do, and many of us should.

     The reason I am so intrigued by this story is Adam. Without him, to be honest, I probably wouldn’t read past this. He is the ignition or the conflagration in your story. He will make people read, because people want to know what happened. It will drive readers to wait for your next upload. And that is where you totally got it right. Adam is the source of mystery and intrigue. That storyline right there, can get you anywhere. You could take it anywhere and you'll have readers.

     You have potential. This storyline is original, and your characters could go really far. It all depends on where you take things. Add in some description and slow down when writing. Give the reader tidbits of information to keep them interested. Expect from me a promotion in my story The Notebook Project when you get a little farther, and have a bit more to it. I think you have potential, keep going with this.

Rating- I’ll give it a seven because I love its innocence. It needs work, but I think that with a good plotline and some more details, you will have a great book about what high school should be like.

I’ll continue reading to see where you go with this! =]

-Tara/ @lilshrimp

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