Darkness To The Kore by Peace_love_unicorns(Reviewed by JanBear_04)

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Title- Darkness to the Kore

Author- Peace_love-unicorns

Genre- Fantasy & Romance

Rating- PG-13

Synopsis- Death is what comes to people like a thief in the night, snatching them with no intentions of bringing them back. Death is a nagging parent that you try to outsmart time and time again but no matter how many times you may think you have outsmarted them, in the end they will have the last word. Death is the old friend that nobody likes and yet you cannot live without. Death is many things but I never thought it would be my lover. 

Kore lives alone with her controlling mother, Demi. She hasn’t seen any other person besides her home school teacher since she was a little girl after a mysterious incident happened at school one day that her mother refuses to talk to her about. She keeps her locked away on a farm and only lets her go out occasionally. It isn’t until her cat dies and after picking him up, becomes alive again when she realizes why her mother has locked her away for all these years. She discovers she has the gift of healing. 

When she confronts her mother about it, her mother reveals to her that they are not human but in fact, Goddesses trapped inside human vessels to protect Kore from the Gods who want to marry her. But things only get worse when one day, as Kore is picking flowers in the meadow, there is an earthquake and she is taken up by this earthquake and falls into the arms of none other than Hades. 

A modern retelling of the rape of Persephone.


This story, by Peace_love_unicorns is something that I found quite creative and original. It may have a few faults which I will get into later but nonetheless this story is something I read until the end of her uploads. I couldn't stop reading the chapters; I was obsessed with the story line and flow of things. It was amazing how much of a modern twist peace_love_unicorns added and how human like Kore acted throughout the chapters. Her character has developed so much since the first chapter and I've learned quite a bit about her. 

Writing in 3rd person can be quite difficult but I think you handled it very well. Some times you seemed to tell us things that should rather be shown or subtly introduced. Like the way you tell us the only times Kore is angry is when her mother told her the truth about herself and when she entered the underworld where she learned other things. This is something we should figure out our selves more than be told. Other than that you did quite a nice job writing in that tense.

Your dialogue is very nice. You have a great dialogue for each character which is good and seems to resemble their personalities very well. You introduce the protagonist in a way that fits her life style but I would think Kore would be quiet seeing as though she is away from reality I guess. Away from people and cities, she is in a secluded area. But I was completely wrong. She seems more than sociable but her mother never gave her a chance to be in such a surrounding. Any ways you also delivered nice details and descriptions. I wish there were a bit more but other wise they were quite good. 

The only problem I really had with your writing is that it was a bit simplistic for me. I think you could have added something to make it much more sophisticated but other than that and the telling, I found Darkness to the Kore an amazing read! I really hope you continue and your readers seem to love it also. I'll definitely be reading more of it so you better upload soon! 

Rating- 8/10

If you would like an interview, please message totally insane! Thanks!

By- JanBear_04/Janaka

*If you would like to read this, it will be in my library(Reviewed Books) or the WattiesUnited Library!

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