chapter 10

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Maddy's prospective

"I know how to fix it." Lily tells me. I look at her as she was sitting right beside me. "My mom used to use vinegar, baking soda and dish liquid" She recalls. 

"Lily we don't have those, and I don't think we can summon them" I tell her and she flops back onto the bed. "Good idea though. I don't know any spells for it. I might send it back to my mom and see what she could do" I magic my dress back onto its hanger and it hangs on the edge of my bed. I flop back onto the bed with Lily. 

"I'm sorry we couldn't get the stain out" Lily tells me looking at me. I smile. 

"It's okay, you didn't create the stain" And I stare up at the ceiling. 

"I wonder where the boys ended up" She tells me. I turn my head back and face her. 

"They all disappeared. Did you see them when you went to the kitchens?" I ask her and she shakes her head. After the whole thing with Elizabeth Lily took me back upstairs, I hopped in the shower and while I did she went to the kitchens. From the kitchens she got us hot coco and cookies, which was perfect because it was cold and snowing outside. We were about 3 weeks from Christmas break. After I was out of the shower I got into my pjs and Lily took a shower. We then tried and failed to come up with ideas to get the stain out of my dress. 

"No, I hadn't seen them since we all sat at the table" About 10 minutes before the boys left me, Remus, Lily, Severus and I all sat at a table together. Severus didn't hate Remus and I as much as he hated James and Sirius. We had talked about the holidays, I wasn't sure what our plans were for the holidays so instead we talked about our traditions. 

It was tradition in our family to play Quidditch and make smores after opening gifts. It was also tradition that once a child enters their first year at Hogwarts they get a item that has been passed down for generations, from father to son, from mother to daughter. James will probably get the cloak and I am likely to get the ring. The cloak can turn anyone invisible and so can the ring. The cloak can cover many people while the ring can only cover one. 

"Well do you want to talk to them? It's getting kind of late so you could probably find them in their dorm" And I nod, I stand up and pull on my slippers because the floor was so cold. I grab a sweater to go over my pjs and put my wand in my pocket. "Do you want me to come with" She offers. I shake my head and I slip out of the dorm. It was later than I thought, the fire in the common room was burning low and there was only a few people in the common room, still in their clothes from the dance, talking softly and looking like they could fall asleep at any moment in the over sized arm chairs. It was peaceful as I slipped through to the boy's dormitory. I get up there and I knock softly before opening up the door. 

"Oh hey" it was Sirius. He was on his bed and he was the only one in the room. He looks at me, it looks like he had just showered and gotten into pjs too. "Where's Remus and James" He asks me. 

"That's what I came to figure out" I tell him and he shrugs. "When was the last time you saw them" I ask. 

"Last time I saw Remus he was with you and last time I saw James was he saw a crowd forming and went to go look at what was happening. He didn't come back and I couldn't see Remus or you so I left" He tells me. 

"Yeah I couldn't see any of you guys either. Lily and I went back to our dorm." I tell him and he nods. "Listen are we alright? I'm not mad at you anymore, are you mad at me" I ask him.

"Yeah I think we're fine, I mean I'm not mad at you. Actually even when you were mad at me I had a crush on you, but I don't anymore" He adds quickly and I laugh a little bit. 

"Alright good to know. Well if they turn up let me know" I turn back towards the door just to have it open up and slamming into my foot. "Ah Merlin" I yell grabbing onto my foot. 

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry" It was Remus, James right behind him. I sit on the edge of Remus' bed which was closest to the door. 

"What happened" James asks, walking by me. 

"I opened the door and slammed her foot" Remus says looking at me, and for the first time since he walked in I got a good luck at him. He had scratches on his face, small and tiny. He had a bruise on his right cheek and cuts on his arm. 

"What happened?" I ask him forgetting about the pain in my foot. He points to James. 

"Ask him" And I get a good look at James too. James looked worse than Remus did, he a busted lip and a black eye. His nose looked like it was bleeding and he also had cuts and scratches on him. His hands were red and bloody. 

"Were you fighting again?" I ask James and he laughs. 

"I saw what Elizabeth did to you. I saw her ruin your dress and belittle you in front of everyone. After you left with Lily, I yelled at her. Her older brother came out of no where and started to fight me, Remus picked up where I left off with Elizabeth and they started fighting. Trust me they look worse off than we do. We got a months worth of detention" James tells me, taking off his nice clothes and changing next to his dresser where I couldn't see him. 

"Why did you do that?" I ask confused. 

"Because you're my sister and she was being a bitch." James tells me. I smile softly and walk over to him and give him a hug. 

"Thank you" I say softly. 

"Anytime Maddy" 

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