Chapter 60

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Maddy's prospective

"No I am not wearing Cat ears and a tail! I can turn into a cat remember?" I say to Lily. She pouts and tries to hand me the ears and tail. 

"Come on it's Halloween, it's Harry's second Halloween to be exact and I want everyone to dress up because last year no one did, and Harry threw up all over his deer costume so he couldn't wear it. And I know you can turn into a cat, you let Harry chase you on his broom all the time." She tells me. I sigh and I take the fake cat ears and tail. James walks out of another room wearing fake antlers and a little nose. 

"Maddy do not say a word" He says pointing his finger at me. I struggle to keep my laughter back and I put on the ears and pin the tail to the back of my waist band. Lily was wearing little horns and had a pitch fork. I heard Harry crying. 

"I'll go get him." I say and I walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I walk to the bed room at the end of the hall and I open it. Harry was sitting in his crib, crying. I go and pick him up. "Hey Harry" I tell him as he cries. "Come on bud what's wrong? You hungry? Dirty diaper? What's up?" I ask him and he slowly stops crying as I hold him in my arms. "Just wanted to be held? Yeah me too Harry." 

"Lily!" I heard James call from downstairs. 

"It's so funny Harry, don't tell your parents I said this but you weren't supposed to be here. Your mom and dad weren't supposed to have kids, but I am so glad they did. I can not imagine life without you in it."

"Lily!" James called again from downstairs. Weren't they just in the same room? Why is he yelling for her? I walk out into the hallway and I see James running towards the entryway and Lily running up the stairs. 

"What's going on?" I ask as Lily takes Harry out of my hands. She runs with Harry back towards his room at the end of the hall. "James tell me what in the world is happening." I told him and he looked up at me. He had ripped off his costume and stood there, panic and fear in his eyes. 

"Maddy, it's him. He's here. Now run, I'll hold him off. Go with Lily and Harry, go." He tells me. I look at him square in his eyes. "Maddy go!" He yells at me. 

"James, I love you!" I yell at him before I felt my legs run towards Harry's room. 

"I love you too!" He yells back and I run into Harry's room before closing the door. 

"Lily, what are we gonna do?" I ask as my mind runs around. My wand was in the kitchen, Harely's wand was in my room, Lily didn't seem to have her wand on her either. We can't go anywhere without our wands, and it would mean we would have to run by James and whoever else was in the house. That wasn't an option. 

"I don't know, I don't know" She mumbles. She puts Harry down in his crib. "Harry, Momma loves you. You are so loved. You incredibly loved." She tells him and she turns to me, pulling me into a hug. "Maddy I love you so much. These past 10 years have been the best of my life, you, James, Rose, Liz, Harely, Remus, Sirius, all of you have made my life so amazing and I am so glad that you are here with me." She tells me not letting go. 

"Lily I love you so much. You have done so much for me in this life and you have made James so happy and I know that we'll be okay. We're going to be okay I promise you." I tell her and she nods pulling away. We heard a crash from downstairs. "Okay okay what can we do? Can we move the dresser or something?" I ask her and we try but it doesn't work. "Lily get behind me" I say as I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. The door crashes open and Tom Riddle stands there. 

"Stand aside" He tells us. 

"No, you won't get to Harry" I tell him. With a flick of his wand and flash of green light everything that I was feeling goes away. I close my eyes and when I open them I'm on the floor, but at the same time I'm not. I look down at my body and then I look at my hands and realize that I'm dead. 

"Maddy!" Lily yells. 

"Stand aside girl, stand aside! I am not here for you!" And I see James in the doorway, but he isn't James. He, like me, was a spirt of some sort. James was dead. With another flash of green light, Lily was one too. All three of were dead. 

"Harry!" I yell and Lily and James look at me. They could hear me? Another flash of green light and it wasn't Harry who was gone, but Tom Riddle. We watched as his body drops and then a black figure coming out of it. It flies out of the window and into the night. I close my eyes again and it's like I'm in heaven. 

"Maddy?" I look around and there she was. "Maddy!" She runs towards me and leaps into my arms. Harely. 

"Harely!" I yell and I close my arms around her. 

"You're dead!" She tells me as if I didn't already know that. She pulls away. "James! Lily!" She yells grabbing onto them. After she hugs them she turns back to me. "I missed you the most" She tells me. 

"I would hope so you're my wife" I laugh softly. We stand there for a moment. "I'm in Heaven with my wife, wow" 

"We're here too." A voice says and I turn around to see Mom and Dad, and Harely's mom and dad, and everyone we have lost. 

"Woah, there's a lot of you here" I say. I look around. "Wait! We left Harry!" 

"We can watch him from here. We can watch everything that happens." Harely tells me. We watch as Sirius and our secret keeper fight, Sirius going to jail, Hagrid taking Harry to Lily's sister, Harry growing up, Harry going to school and meeting friends, Harry meeting Remus and then Sirius, Sirius and Remus taking care of Harry, Harry getting into trouble. Then an old friend joined us. 

"Sirius!" James yells leaping onto Sirius. Then we watch as a few years later another friendly face joins us. "Remus!" And we watch as Harry brings himself to death. 

"Who are you?" Harry asks me as we all appear around him in the forest. 

"I'm your aunt. James's sister. I'm Maddy" I tell him, he kept asking us questions and it felt nice to see this boy, he wasn't even a boy anymore he was a man, and how he turned out. I know his life story better than my own. Then as soon as it started we were pulled out of the forest. 

"He'll be okay" I tell Lily and she nods, holding onto James. 

"I hope so." Lily tells me. 

"We will all be okay. I promise" 

Edited and rewritten 1/13/21

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