chapter 37

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Maddy's prospective

Harely and I walk through the park. It was a quiet day, sun shining and a light breeze. We were holding hands as we walked alone. 

"Want to go to the ice cream shop after this?" I ask her. 

"I can't, I have to get home" She tells me.

Unlike the last summer that I spent in England, the others weren't staying with us as much. And to hide the fact that we were dating we only went on dates when we had spent time before at our own houses so the others don't suspect anything. So far we had been on 7 dates, each in my opinion went well. We have gone out to dinner, gone to lunch, gotten breakfast twice, gone through walks in the park twice, and gotten ice cream once. Of course we hung out between that but it was with everyone else. 

"But I do want to ask you something" She asks me and we stop for a moment. My heart skipped a beat and I feared for the worst. "Now that we've gone on a few dates would you want to date officially? Like girlfriends and we get to tell the others instead of sneaking around?" she offers. 

"I thought you were going to say something else. Of course I would love to be your girlfriend" I tell her and she smiles. 

"Amazing, I'll walk you back home and then my mom can pick me up from there" She smiles and I nod. We walk back to the house and we walk inside. She calls her mother from our house phone. We sit on the couch for a moment and just enjoy these moments of silence. It didn't last too long because her mom arrived. Before she went outside I gave Harely a kiss and then she left. 

"MADDY POTTER DID YOU JUST KISS HARELY ON THE LIPS" I turn towards the stairs and James is standing there with Sirius and Remus. 

"When did those two get here?" I ask ignoring the question. I walk towards the kitchen and fill up the kettle with water and put it on the stove top. They all walk into the kitchen. "Want some tea?" I offer. 

"I'll take a cup yeah" Remus says sitting down at the breakfast bar. I nod and grab out an extra cup. 

"Sirius? James?" I ask them looking at them. 

"Sure why not" Sirius shrugs and he sits down next to Remus. 

"How are you two not freaking out? You both liked Maddy and we just saw her kissing someone?" James asks them. Remus turns to him and half glares. 

"James Maddy is her own person, she can kiss who she wants regardless of who it is. And we are both over the crushes we had on her when we were 12" Remus says coolly. James frowns. 

"You're supposed to be on my side" James pouts. 

"What side? There are no sides. Maddy kissed someone, alright that's it" Sirius points out. 

"Now James do you want a cup? I need to know if I am making a full pot or not. If not then I'll just make 3 cups" I ask him and James still stands there pouting. "I'll make mint" I offer him and he tries to hide his smile. Mint was James' favorite tea. "I'll make mint and you will have a cup" I tell him and he nods. "Alright. And so you won't be as pouty yes, Harely and I are dating." I tell him as he sits down next to the other two. 

"How long have you been dating?" Sirius asks me. 

"Well officially since today but we've gone on 8 dates now" I smile. I pull out the other two cups and the pot. I put the bags in there and as soon as it starts to boil I put the water in the pot. I let it sit before pulling out the sugar cubes and the milk. I give each boy a cup and pass them the sugar and milk after I put my own in my own drink. 

"Sirius and I have been dating for four months" Remus says sipping on his tea. James spits his tea back into his cup. 

"James that's rude" I snap at him throwing the dish towel at him. He coughs. 

"I'm sorry but what?" James asks them. 

"Well since Sirius got kicked out he's either here or at my place. But we've been dating since Easter." Remus tells him. I smile. 

"That's good. Good for you both" I tell them and Sirius smiles at me. "James seems like the only straight one here" I laugh. 

"You say that like it's a bad thing" James mumbles. Sirius hits James with the dish towel. "Well how did you two hide it from me" James asks them both. 

"James, mate you are thicker than a bag of rocks. It's not too hard to hide anything from you" Sirius laughs. 

"That is so true" I tell James and he crosses his arms again. "Don't act like that. Now Harely told me when I got back that you three had some secret?" I ask them and they stop what they were doing. 

"I mean she should know" Remus shrugs looking at the other two boys. With a blink of an eye James and Sirius were gone, but in their place a deer that was breaking the stool and black dog. 

"What in Merlins name did you boys do? It's illegal" I tell them. They both switch back. 

"We know but it's for Remus. When he transforms he always ends up hurting himself and the time he hurt you and Harely. But when we transform with him, he doesn't. He hasn't gotten any new scars in months" James tells me quickly. I turn to Remus who nods. 

"I want in" I tell them. 

"No, you can't" Remus tells me and I eye him. "I'm not letting you do some illegal too" He tells me. 

"You can help me do it or I can do it with Harely, who would do it with me in a heartbeat." I tell him. 

"They could technically both do it with us" Sirius mumbles. 

"Fine but you can't tell mom or dad who broke the stool" James tells me. 

Edited and rewritten 10/21/20

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