Chapter 25

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Maddy's perspective

It was getting closer and closer to summer, but it also meant we had to take our finals. I disliked finals above everything else. You sit in a room for two hours plus, wearing your full robes when it is already so hot outside, and you try to pass a test and have to remember information from the past two years. 

We were in the common room after our final test. I threw off my robe and laid on the couch, taking up the whole couch. I rolled up my sleeves and took off my tie. 

"I am so tired. I hate how hot it is" I complain. Harely lifts up my legs and sits down and puts my legs on her lap. 

"Wait both of you, before you get all comfortable did you finishing packing? We leave tomorrow so you need to finish packing tonight" Lily tells us, Rose and Liz walk in behind her, the boys no where to be seen. 

"Ugh fine mom" I groan and I stand up, Lily rolls her eyes and sits where I was just sitting, she swats Harely's shoulder.

"Go on Harely" And Harely frowns but the four of us climb the stairs to our dorm at the top of the tower. It was in the exact same spot that the boy's dorm was, just on the right instead of the left. I get up there and I flop on my bed. 

"Come on Maddy we should be packing" Harely tells me, chucking a book at me and it hit me in the stomach, knocking the air out of me. "I am not sorry at all, now get packing." She teases. I go from my bed to my wardrobe, grabbing all my robes, my weekend clothes, and anything else that was in there. I put it all on my bed and started taking hangers off, folding things nicely and putting them in my trunk. 

"Do you think it's weird that one day we will be doing this for the final time?" Liz asks in the silence. 

"What do you mean?" Rose asks her confused. 

"Well one day we will all be in 7th year, we will ride the train for the last time to the school, sit through one last sorting, have one last beginning of year feast, then one last Christmas break, one last class, one last final, one last feast and then one last train ride. It'll be over, we'll have to grow up, we'll have to get jobs and have families. We won't be sleeping in the same dorm, we won't be able to see each other everyday" Liz says, she had stopped grabbing books from off her desk and was just staring out the window, it looked like she was going to cry. 

"Liz?" Rose asks softly, Liz turns to Rose and pulls her into a hug and starts crying softly. "Liz it's okay, we still have five more years. We'll be okay" Rose tells her rubbing her back. Liz nods but still cries softly. 

"I just don't want to loose any of you" She sobs. 

"Why would you loose any of us?" Harely asks, stopping what she was doing. Liz pulls away from Rose and looks at us. 

"My parents are worried, there's talking of someone trying to get power. Talk of someone wanting to take over our world. Apparently he's killed muggles, and is trying to find ways to collect power" She tells us. 

"I haven't read anything in the paper" I tell her and she shakes her head. 

"The ministry is trying to keep it quiet. My parents are both aurors so they have been sent on missions, they are trying to help track this guy down but he's been able to slip through their grasp for months. They are only sending me to school here because it's safer for me here than at home. They said if they had to go for missions they wouldn't be able to leave me alone, they don't want me to be in danger. This summer my mom is staying home and trying to do the work that she can from home" Liz tells us, sitting on her bed. Rose sits next to her and Harely and I sit on Harely's bed that was across from Liz's. 

"Hey if your mom does ever need to leave you can come to my house. My mom is a healer at saint mungoes and my dad is an auror too. Our parents probably know each other, just never made the connection. Whenever I write to my parents I don't use any last names." I tell Liz and she nods. 

"I'm just scared" Liz admits and we all kind of nod. The door opens and Lily walks in. 

"I thought you were all packing" She tells us, glaring at us. 

"Hey Liz is having an emotional break down, packing can wait" Rose tells Lily and Lily doesn't say anything. 

"Hey you know what will make you feel better? Helping us plan Maddy's birthday" Harely tells her and I look at Harely. 

"How do you know when my birthday is?" I ask her confused. 

"Maddy your brother is the biggest blabber mouth ever and he has the biggest ego ever. He will tell anyone anything as long as they tell him that his hair looks nice." Lily tells me and I roll my eyes. 

"Don't do anything for my birthday." I tell them. 

Harely's perspective

Of course we didn't listen to Maddy. It was about two weeks after school had ended that all of us, including the boys were standing at Maddy's bed room door on her birthday. I was the one who knocked slightly. There was no response so we open up the door but can't walk through, some sort of force field thing stopped us. Maddy was on her bed, reading a book, she looked up at us and glared. 

"I thought I said don't do anything for my birthday" She says not smiling at all. 

"You know us we had to. How come we can't come into your room?" Sirius asked her. She was still glaring at us. 

"Charm that doesn't let anyone into my room unless I let them. Keeps unwanted people out of my room" She says. She stands up, walks to the door and closes it right in our face. 

"Well ballocks" 

Edited and rewritten 10/10/20 

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