Chapter 45

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Maddy's perspective

After my dad takes me back home I go back to the table where everyone still was. 

"Hey Maddy welcome back." Harely smiles and I go behind James and poke his shoulder. 

"Outta my seat" I tell him and he sighs and goes to sit next to Sirius. I sit down in my seat and take off my sweater. 

"So what did your dad want to talk to you both about?" Sirius asks as he grabs some cards. Harely smacks his hand

"It's not your turn. We need to deal Maddy in so it's her turn" Harely tell him. Sirius pouts. 

"You guys can tell them. I'm going to talk to your mother upstairs" My dad calls from the front hall. So we fill the other two in. 

"That's a lot. Wait so we can help? Also Gin" Sirius says. 

"Sirius we're playing Rummy" James reminds him. Sirius frowns and looks back down at his cards. 

"Well other than that. Yes my dad said that we could be apart of meetings and they'll let us know when we can help" I smile. I look at Harely. "You okay Harely?" I ask her, she shrugs. 

"What if he is the one who killed my dad, the one who killed my mom? We don't know who killed them." She says and we all put our cards down

"One day we will find out okay. Maybe this will be a way that we can help find out the truth we don't know what will happen" I smile at her. She nods and grabs my hand. It was later that night that we were in our dining room. All of our extra chairs were pulled out and there was a lot of people. 

"Okay everyone! Before we continue I want to introduce you to the kids, for those of who do not know them" Dumbledore was talking. Harely, James, Sirius, and Frank were next to me. We were the ones sitting with a few others, and about 50 people were crammed into the room. "This is Maddy Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Harely Blue and Frank Longbottom. You all know their parents The Potters and The Longbottoms. Sirius and Harely are unofficial Potters but that puts them in as much danger as Maddy, James, and Frank. One of our new jobs is to protect all of them" Dumbledore explains. 

"If anything happens to any of them I will hunt down Tom Riddle myself" Professor McGonagall was sitting across from us kids. I smile and try not to laugh. 

"Anyway. They will be here with us during meetings" Dumbledore explains. I grab Harely's hand under the table. She squeezed it three times, our way of saying I love you without actually saying it. I don't look at her. "Now let's begin with our" 

"Wait, we don't know who anyone here is! We are supposed to trust everyone here but we can't even know their names?" James interrupts. Dumbledore looks at him, as does everyone else. 

"Now James, there will be time for that later." My mom tell him. 

"Now hold on, he's right isn't he. I can't trust someone if I don't know them, or even know their name" I say. My mom looks at us. 

"That is true. Alright, this is the Longbottoms, Jenkens, and the Wihns but you already knew that. Then Fabian and Giedon Prewett, Caradoec Dearborn, the whole Bones family, Benjy Fenwick, and the Mckinnons. Then us here at the table, you know myself, Professor McGonagall, Emily Gewn, Brian Ander, Maria Pins, the Shelns and the Sordens, and then at the end is Kenders. Total there are 43 of us, which is a lot. Now that we had figured out names onto our first order of business." Dumbledore smiles. 

"To catch all of you up to speed earlier this year we lost a few people including Arrow Woods, one of the of the few children involved in the incident 10 years ago. We believe that the reason why the others might in danger as well. So one of our first things to discuss is that we have to have someone near them at all times. When they are at this house someone will need to be in the house, not that concerning knowing this is our new head quarters. When they are at school there will be at least two of you in Hogsmed. And if they are anywhere else they will need two of you with them. We don't know for how long this will need to happen but this is the best we can do. Second order of business" McGonagall explains to everyone. I look at Harely out of the corner of my eye. 

"You okay?" I whisper softly and she nods. She squeezes my hand three times again. I squeeze her hands three times. 

"I'm kind of scared" She whispers to me and I nod. 

"Me too" I whisper back to her. We both look forward at the ones who were talking. I lost track of what they were talking about now, something about those who were going to be stationed in some other town. After the meeting we were in the kitchen, so many adults were still in there with us. 

"I am nervous with all these people here" Harely tells me and I take her upstairs. After we watched a bit of muggle tv we lay down in my bed. We're trying to fall asleep but we keep hearing people in the house. They were talking and going up and down the stairs. "There's so many people in the house. Will it ever be quiet again?" Harely asks me. 

"I don't know. This whole thing is so new and weird. What do you think about someone sticking with us everywhere we go" I ask her. 

"I mean I understand why. I'm an unofficial Potter remember?" She giggles and I laugh. 

"Maybe one day it can be official" I tell her and she smiles. I kiss her and she wraps her arms around me. 

Edited and rewritten 10/28/20

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