Chapter 43

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Harely's perspective

Maddy sits back down, still death glaring at Remus. 

"What happened last night then?" Remus asks us, looking back and forth between us. "Come on, you both can't hide it forever" He tells us. 

"Oh I'm sorry did you want a recap because you were too busy snogging your boyfriend? Or how do you say it Liz? The American word, fucking your boyfriend?" Maddy snaps at him and the table goes dead quiet, no one even moves anymore. 

"Maddy that isn't" James starts but Remus cuts him off. 

"I don't know what has you all upset but for your information, not that you need it, but last night I was helping Sirius calm down. He got a letter from his brother and he needed to calm down. You understand what it's like to need to calm down and that is something you need to do now. I am not your parent but if you do not get that venom off your tongue you do not need to talk to any of us" Remus snaps. Maddy pushes her chair back, and walks away. She ends up walking out the front door instead of walking upstairs. 

"Wow Remus way to be nice about it" Sirius mumbles. Remus elbows him. 

"What? He's right isn't he? You totally went off on her, like I get it she is snappy this morning but you took it another level." Liz tells him. Liz then stands up. "She shouldn't be alone." 

Liz's perspective

I walk out the front door and I look around. I see Maddy sitting in the middle of the field that was the front lawn. There was flowers and tall grass in the whole field so I could only see the upper half of her. I walk through the field and she must have not seen me because when I get real close to her she gets scared and spits out something that was just in her mouth. I look close enough to see what it was. 

"Are you smoking?" I ask her, I sit next to her. She takes the one she spit out and puts it out in the grass. She sighs. 

"Yeah I may have picked it up in France and have been hiding it from you guys, except Harely, because you are always near me all the time." She tells me, she was looking at the ground where she had just put hers out. 

"Can I bum one?" I ask her, she looked at me and smiled. She reaches into her shorts pocket and pulls out a pack and a lighter. She gives one to me and pulls out another for herself. She lights mine and then lights hers with mine, kind of chain smoking. 

"Since when did you smoke?" She asks me. I laugh. 

"On and off since 3rd year?" I tell her and she smiles. We sit there and smoke, the wind lightly blowing through our hair, hers was just like James' dark and messy, except hers was long, very long in fact it almost reached her waist. She grew it out while in France. 

"Harely and I got into a fight last night" She tells me blowing smoke out of the corner of her mouth as she did it. 

"What about?" I ask her and she fills me in, the fight about Harris, the comparing of deaths, the grab on her hand. "Can I see your wrist?" I ask her and she gives me her wrist. I take it and put both my hands around it. 

"What are you doing?" She asks me, we sit there and then when I let go of her wrist she gasps. Her wrist was healed, the burn that was there was gone. "How did you do that?" She asks me. 

"I dunno, I figured out one day that I could heal people without my wand, and I've never gotten in trouble for it." I tell her and she nods. She pushes up her glasses. Looking at her now I once again saw the difference between her before she went to France compared to her now. 

She didn't wear her glasses most days, contacts most days. She wore makeup most days too, not today though. She worse dresses and skirts but still wore shorts sometimes. She wore tank tops more than t-shirts. She was just more grown up then we realized. I got an idea. 

"Okay wait right here" I tell her, putting my smoke out. I run inside, past everyone else and I go upstairs. I grab my camera from my bag and I run back down the stairs. I go outside and back to Maddy. "Okay I want to get pictures but this is how I want them" And I helped her position herself, against the flowers still smoking. We took a couple pictures before Harely and Rose came outside. 

"Harely come here I want you in the picture." Maddy tells her and Harely walks over to Maddy. Maddy pulls Harely on top of her, giving her a kiss before I snap the picture.

"I love I'm sorry for getting mad at you" Harely tells her. 

"It's okay. I'm sorry for getting mad at you too. We just need to learn to be patient with each other" Maddy tells her. We spent more time taking pictures, the boys joining us at one point. 

"Do we want these to move? Our parents could help us?" James offers and I look at the pile of pictures and I shake my head. 

"They are perfect the way they are. Okay I'm going to put them in my photo book" I tell them and I walk back inside. I walk up to my room and I pull out my photo book, I was already running out of space in the book. As I stick the new photos in the book I look through the pictures. 

I have a picture from before the second year ball that Lily gave me, the five of us smiling together. The picture of all of us in the common room that a first year took for me, we were just doing our normal thing, studying, playing games, and eating snacks. Then there was pictures from Quidditch games. Pictures from summers and our first day from our 2nd and 3rd year. I finished putting the pictures in and I closed the book. 

Edited and rewritten 10/25/20

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