Chapter 2 (Rewrite)

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I walked up to the front door and opened the door.

"SUPRISEEEEE!!!" everyone screamed causing my heart to skip a beat and my eardrums to almost burst. I looked up to see streamers and balloons everywhere. Over the stairs was a banner in huge words that read CONGRATULATIONS. I looked around to see some of my older brothers, along with Jayson, Nate, and Sean.

"Thank you, guys. It's nice, but you didn't have to do this," I forced a smile. Deep down, I just wanted to be alone. Today was supposed to be a happy day for me, but now the mission just spoiled it like everything else.

"What happened, Baby?" Sean asked, walking up to me with a concerned look.

Sean and I have gotten closer over the past years. So close that we tried to date, but it didn't work out as expected. We still felt the same for each other, but not in a relationship form. I must admit though, there was a bit of tension between us... every now and then. Something about Sean fascinates me. Sometimes, if I stared at him too long, I felt like I was in some trance. I considered he might be a demon at some point, but that theory went out the door when I saw him almost bleed out in front of me. The man is mesmerizing, though.

Nate, on the other hand, was a bit different. He was just seen as a friend. We didn't find much in common, but we still hung out every now and then. However, he did get close to some of the guys, for which I am thankful. My brothers all have a social life outside of work, but it's not maintained enough for them to develop into anything further. Most of the friends they have didn't even know what we do which is just safer that way for both us and them. I felt bad they couldn't have a normal life. But then again, we all choose this life.

A hand touched my face, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Sean trying to wipe off the dried blood from my face with a napkin. "Nothing," I mumbled, only to receive a loud, piercing scream. I turned to see Randy and his wife, Hannah, staring at me in shock. She was still somewhat new to all this.

She pointed to the stains on my dress, "Is that blood all over you and your dress?" she asked in shock, with her eyes widened. I wanted to be annoyed at her, but I understood her behavior. I would react the same way if I had a normal life. I do have to give her some credit since she always tried her best to be there for us. Whenever she knew we were going on a mission, she would say a little prayer for us for protection. The first time Randy told me she did that, I almost burst into tears. She's so innocent and sweet.

"No. It's paint. Some students thought it would be funny and threw paint balloons at me in the parking lot," I replied with a stupid lie.

Her mouth formed in an O-shape. "Well, that's not very nice," she frowned. Don't get me wrong, I love her and all but she can be really dumb. I looked behind her to see some of the guys holding back their laughter while Randy just glared at me and then at them. "Babe, we should get going. We're going to be late for your graduation," he said, pulling her towards him by the waist.

"Bye, you guys," she chirped, causing everyone to tell them to buy. "We'll be back later tonight," Randy said before they both left.

The door closed, and I huffed in tiredness. "What happened?" Sean asked again as he continued to wipe the dried blood off my face.

I pushed his hand away and started walking upstairs. "Andy called, and I had to go help Zane and his gang," I gritted through my teeth as I walked up the stairs.

Some of them asked more questions but I just blocked it out as I was trying to keep my sanity intact. I walked into my room and stripped from my dress before shoving it in the garbage can. I stripped from my bra and underwear before I took a long cold shower. I rinsed out all the blood and washed my body clean about 3 times, along with my hair. My mind kept flashing back to the guy in the warehouse. The way he smirked and carried himself. He wasn't like the other guys I ran into. These guys were pussy and all talk but this guy, this guy, knew how to keep his emotions in check.

Return Of The Devil - BOOK 2 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now