Chapter 60

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Song: Mercy - Shawn Mendes 

"Everyone's ready?" James asked as he buttoned his suit. I looked down at my dress which was black and gold. It was long but let's just say the only parts really covered were my lady parts.

(Skylar's dress)

"You look stunning" Lucifer's voice mumble behind me

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"You look stunning" Lucifer's voice mumble behind me. I smiled a little and thanked him. "Some of the guys are there as staff and the snipers are up. Remember your timing that you need to be there. You can just give you name. Cody entered it into the system so it's there" James stated.

"Alright. Lets do this" I sighed. "I love you all. Be safe and let make this quick" I added.

"She's nervous" Justin blurted out. I turned and glared at him.

"I am not nervous" I lied.

"Don't worry. Everything will go as planned" Gabe came into the room.

We said our final goodbyes and went our seprerate ways. The guys who were going to be guys actually had fake dates and me, well I had Lucifer. We got in the limo and I looked out the window. Greece was so beautiful. I have never been here obviously.

The car came to a stop and I looked up to see a huge mansion before us with a lot of guards. The door opened and I looked to see Lucifer stretching a hand towards me. I smiled and took his hand. He pulled me up and held my waist. The guards eyed us down as we walked up to the steps.

"Name" a guy ordered.

"Skylar Marran and Vincent Davis" Lucifer spoke for the both of us. The guy looked through the list and I bit the inside of my lips.

He nodded his head and the door opened. Lucifer pulled me closer to him and started walking inside. "I've never seen you so nervous" he whispered.

"That makes two of us" I whispered back.

We made our way to our table and sat down. I looked around the room to see a bunch of people dressed the same way as Lucifer and I. Lucifer was wearing a black and gold suit to match my dress.

"So how do you know this guy" I asked turning to Lucifer.

"Well, I use to do business with him but we just decided to go different way" he stated.

"So you guys are on good terms or.."

"Depends what you call good terms. He's as evil as they get. Think of it as best friends who always fight or disagree" he stated.

"DAVIS! My man" a loud voice boomed through the room.

We both turned around to the voice to see a guy in a white suit walking up to us. To be honest, his features were much softer in person. "If he ask, you work for me" Lucifer quickly stated as he got up.

The guy and Lucifer hugged. "Man, long time no see" Lucifer smiled.

"Same here bro. How's business" the guy asked.

Return Of The Devil - BOOK 2 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now