Chapter 10 (Rewrite)

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The door opened, and I looked to see 3 gentlemen walking in. They looked around the same age. All in their late early 30's. We stood up, and Mr. Kirkham greeted them all and introduced me. "This is my secretary, Skylar Marran," he introduced me. They all smiled as we shook hands.

"Alright, Mr. Kirkham. You may start. I'm sure you know Mr. Davis will be late, but there will be no holding back. His orders," one of them said as they all sat down.

"Yes, Sir," Mr. Kirkham said as he flipped through the PowerPoint. He talked for a while about the ship rates of each country and how they have increased/decreased over the years. "Ms. Marran has come up with a spectacular point," he said, hinting it was my turn to present.

"Right. Please open your folder and pull out the first two graph sheets," I said, stepping up in front of the board. They all did as told and laid it out in front of them. I nodded to Mr. Kirkham to move to the next slide with the two graphs on display.

"The graph on your left shows the trades on U.S. soil. The trades on the right are with foreign countries," I stated as I circled China. I heard the door open and close, and Mr. Kirkham nodded for me to continue from my peripheral vision.

"We trade with other countries in the U.S. so much that product shipments are lowering. Why is that? The reason why it's low is that we can practically get anything we want. We live with everything that is made. Our country is diverse with many other countries. We have things from China, India, Japan, and even the Middle East," I spoke while crossing out countries and drawing arrows.

"If we want to increase trade sales, then we must trade more with foreign countries. I know you think it would cost a lot, but it wouldn't. If you had the option to try foreign things, wouldn't you do whatever it takes to have them?" I asked, turning around. I felt a shock of recognition as I saw the face of someone I hadn't seen in four years. It was as if I couldn't breathe, deprived of oxygen.

He was here, sitting in his chair, staring at me just as I was staring at him. I could see the shock on his face, the same shock I was wearing on my face. This mother fucker who abandoned me 4 years ago, who answered no calls, no pleas, was sitting in the fucking CEO chair. Lucifer was Mr. Davis.

"Mr. Davis, what do you think?" one of the executives asked.

He opened his mouth. "It'," he slurred out.

Mr. Davis? MR. DAVIS. HIS NAME IS MR. DAVIS!! IT WAS LUCIFER, THEN AT THE BANQUET IT WAS VINCENT, NOW IT'S DAVIS!!! No. No. No! This can't be happening to me. This isn't real. I'm dreaming. I'm schizophrenic. That's what I'm going with. I think I'm going to throw up. I can't fucking breathe. I'm imagining this. I CAN'T BREATHE!

"Ms. Marran, you have an excellent point," another executive smiled, and the 2 others agreed. 

I don't care about my idea anymore. Wait...Did I give the Devil a way to transport drugs across the world?! OH MY GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! 

Another voice then spoke, and I felt everything was being drowned out. Was I dying? My heart picked up its pace and started beating faster. A hand touched me, and I looked worriedly at Mr. Kirkham. He then opened his mouth to say something, and I couldn't hear what he was saying as my ears were now buzzing loudly. 

He then guided me to a chair and offered a small smile before taking over the interview. I turned my gaze back to Lucifer, who was still staring at me. His greenish-grey eyes just pierced into mine. Part of me was wishing I had my gun to light his ass up. The other part, I wish I could leap into his arms, but I was too broken. Going back to him would be like stepping on broken glass barefoot. 

My eyes trailed over his body, taking in his recent look. He wore a black suit with a black shirt and tie. He looked like he had gotten a little more buff and had a few more tattoos, as his tattoos stopped right below his chin, leaving his face clear of any ink. I looked back at his face to see a smirk on his lips as he knew I was checking him out. I felt anger take over me. I wanted to say so many things to him, but nothing at the same time.

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